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For water in its solid state see Ice
x16px|link=|alt=|Wiktionary Wiktionary: water – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen
Water from the tap
File:Photo of two people reflected in the fish pond.JPG
Water can act like the mirror

Water is the most common liquid on earth. It has no smell, taste, or noticeable colour. Lakes, oceans, and rivers are made of water. Rain is water that falls from clouds in the sky. If water gets very cold, it freezes and becomes ice. Frozen rain can be ice or snow. If water gets very hot, it boils and becomes steam.

Plants and animals (including people) must drink water to live. Water is important to living cells because it can dissolve many things. It gives the medium for chemical reactions to take place, and carries things around the body in blood. It helps to keep the body temperature unchanging by sweating from the skin. Water helps blood carry nutrients from the stomach to all parts of the body to keep the body alive. Saliva helps animals and people digest food. Water also dilutes bad things in the body. Water helps make urine. Urine helps remove bad chemicals from the body. The human body is 50%-65% water.

Water is the main component of drinks like milk, juice, and wine. Each type of drink also has other things that add flavor or nutrients, things like sugar, fruit, and sometimes alcohol. Water that the person can drink is called "potable" (or "drinking") water. The water in oceans is salt water, but lakes and rivers usually have fresh water.

Water is the molecule made of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Its formula is H2O.

Water has the surface tension. Thus the little water forms drops on the surface, rather than spreading out to wet the surface.

There are many things with "water" in air names. Here are some examples:

  • A water biscuit is the hard biscuit made from flour and water.
  • A watercourse is the passage where water flows.
  • A water ice is the kind of frozen dessert.
  • A watering can is the container used to pour water on garden plants.

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