Mathematics (math or maths for short) is the study of quantity (how many things there are), structure (how things are organized), space (where things are) and how these three things change.
Math tries to leave details out so it can make a rule about lots of things at once. Numbers are a good example. In the real world, two apples plus two apples make four apples, two bricks plus two bricks make four bricks; so in mathematics, this becomes the general idea "two plus two equals four". This is called arithmetic.
Another very simple example comes from logic. If all blackbirds are black, and one bird is not black, it is not a blackbird. If all snow is white, and another thing is not white, it is not snow. In math, we make this idea abstract by saying: if A is a subset of B then "not B" is a subset of "not A". For example, if you have something that is not black, it cannot be a blackbird.
By finding a general way to say something, mathematics solves many problems at the same time. The examples of snow and blackbirds are easy to understand without math, but harder situations can be much easier to understand with math. Sometimes, mathematics studies rules or ideas that have not yet been found in the real world. If the rules are chosen because they are simple, later on they may be found in the real world, so studying the rules might help us understand the world better.
The word "mathematics" comes from the Greek μάθημα (máthema), and means "science, knowledge, or learning". Often, it is abbreviated to maths (math in American English), especially when describing arithmetic, geometry or basic algebra, as taught to teenagers (as students).
Mathematical prediction is the basis of hard science, which almost always uses equations to predict what will happen in physics. The philosophy of science explores this. However, creating mathematics is a human science. The philosophy of mathematics talks about these ideas, and other ideas about how mathematics fits in with philosophy, ethics and real life.
This Test2 page for Mathematics is somehow often vandalized; with the last revision even being blank, likely due to the school subject class of mathematics being too controversial among children and teenagers.
Important themes in mathematics
[edit]- See also: List of mathematics topics
Here is a possible grouping of mathematical areas and topics.
[edit]- This is about counting and measuring, and the ways to find such measurements.
[edit]- Ways to express and handle change in mathematical functions, and changes between numbers.
Arithmetic Calculus Vector calculus Analysis Differential equations Dynamical systems Chaos theory
[edit]- Express ideas of size, symmetry, and mathematical structure.
Spatial relations
[edit]- A more visual variant of mathematics.
File:Sin 1to1.png File:OsculatingCircle.png Topology Geometry Trigonometry Differential geometry Fractal geometry
Discrete mathematics
[edit]- Discrete mathematics is about objects, that can only be certain ways, called states:
File:Venn A intersect B.png | File:Fsm moore model door control.jpg | File:Caesar3.png | |
Naive set theory | Theory of computation | Cryptography | Graph theory |
Applied mathematics
[edit]- Applied mathematics uses mathematics to solve real-world problems.
Famous theorems and conjectures
[edit]- These theorems have interested mathematicians and non-mathematicians.
Important theorems and conjectures
[edit]See list of theorems, list of conjectures for more
- These are theorems and conjectures that have changed the face of mathematics throughout history.
- Riemann hypothesis – Continuum hypothesis – P=NP – Pythagorean theorem – Central limit theorem – Fundamental theorem of calculus – Fundamental theorem of algebra – Fundamental theorem of arithmetic – Fundamental theorem of projective geometry – classification theorems of surfaces – Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Foundations and methods
[edit]- Progress in understanding the nature of mathematics also influences the way mathematicians study their subject.
History and the world of mathematicians
[edit]See also list of mathematics history topics
- Mathematics in history, and the history of mathematics.
Mathematics and other fields
[edit]Mathematical tools
[edit]- Tools that are used to do mathematics or to calculate.