
From Wikipedia

Bonjour vous ! 5

German Wikipedia

Start by creating a base for your curry. For this curry, I suggest:

  • Coconut milk

Fry the spices in a pan. You may want to use:

  • Wet ginger paste (go to an Indian grocer’s), or fresh ginger, never ever ever powdered ginger
  • Cardamom, preferably both green and black
  • Cumin
  • Black peppercorns
  • Red chilis, or red chili powder

Fry the hard ones for two to three minutes over medium heat (3.5 on an electric stove) and puree them. Cinnamon stick should be left whole in the sauce to leach out its flavor. Never are more than three cloves needed and they can be left whole too. Cardamoms can be inserted whole and then removed, especially if large ones are smashed open a bit with a blunt edge. Otherwise experiment with preferred combinations.

Now for the main ingredient. We will be using this as a main ingredient in our curry:

  • Eggplants

In a separate pan, quickly cook your ingredient over high heat, then put it into the liquid base together with the spices and turn to low heat until the dish is ready.
