thicker than the loins of tlio common law ; that chastises wives with whips, but he with scorpions.
The essential distinction in all cases bctsvcen the advocates toTxtenV"' ^^^ freedom and those of restriction is, that the one class trust freedom of their fellow-crcatures, believe in tho capacity of mankind at large to manage their own affairs, and disbelieve in their own capacity to manage the affairs of others; while the other class distrust their fellow-creatures, and think they must go wrong unless directed by the superior wisdom of their betters. In this case Faith, Modesty, Generosity, and Justice all lead us in one direction. Let us trust they will prevail, and that one more shackle on the energies of mankind will be struck away. Λ. H. March oik 1S70. .. Ireland & Co., Printers, Mancliestcr