Module:Vi2ipa 2/dialects
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Vi2ipa 2/dialects/doc
local Dialect = {}
function Dialect:new(object)
object = object or {}
for k, v in pairs(object) do
if type(v) == "table" then setmetatable(v, {__index = self[k]}) end
setmetatable(object, self)
self.__index = self = object.initialConsonantsToIPA.d
object.initialConsonantsToIPA.z = object.initialConsonantsToIPA.d
return object
---Table mapping initial consonant clusters to IPA transcriptions.
Dialect.initialConsonantsToIPA = {
b = "ɓ", c = "k", ch = "ʨ", d = "z", ["đ"] = "ɗ", f = "f", g = "ɣ",
gh = "ɣ", gi = "z", h = "h", j = "j", k = "k", kh = "x", l = "l", m = "m",
n = "n", ng = "ŋ", ngh = "ŋ", nh = "ɲ", p = "p", ph = "f", q = "k", r = "ɹ",
s = "ʂ", t = "t", th = "tʰ", tr = "tʂ", v = "v", w = "w", x = "s"
---Table mapping interior glide-vowel-glide sequences to IPA transcriptions, or
-- functions that return transcriptions for the given dialect, initial consonant
-- cluster, and final consonant cluster. Transcriptions include underscores as
-- placeholders for combining diacritics.
-- [[Wikipedia:wikt:vi:Đặc biệt:Tiền tố/Bản mẫu:vie-pron/VieWVG/]]
Dialect.interiorToIPA = {
a = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "ch" or cf == "nh" then return "ɐ_ːʲ" else return "ɐ_ː" end
end, ai = "ɐ_ːj", ao = "ɐ_ːw", au = "ɐ_w", ay = "ɐ_j", e = "ɛ_",
eo = "ɛ_w", i = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "ch" or cf == "nh" then return "ɪ_"
else return "i_" end
end, ia = "i_ɜ", ie = "jɛ_", ieo = "jɛ_w", iu = "i_w",
["iê"] = "iɜ_", ["iêu"] = "iɜ_w", o = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "c" or cf == "ng" then return "ɐ_w"
else return "ɔ_" end
end, oa = "wa_", oai = "wɐ_ːj", oao = "wɐ_ːw", oay = "wɐ_j", ["oă"] = "wɐ",
oe = "wɛ_", oeo = "wɛ_w", oi = "ɔ_j", oo = "ɔ_ː", u = "u_",
ua = function (ci, cf)
if ci == "q" then return "wa_"
else return "u_ɜ" end
end, uau = "wɐ_w", ui = function (ci, cf)
if ci == "q" then return "wi_"
else return "u_j" end
end, uy = "wi_", uya = "wiɜ_", uyu = "wi_w", ["uyê"] = "wiɜ_", ["uâ"] = "wɜ_",
["uây"] = "wɜ_j", ["uê"] = "we_", ["uêu"] = "we_w", ["uì"] = "wi_",
["uô"] = "uɜ", ["uôi"] = "uɜ_j", ["uơ"] = "wə_ː", ["uơi"] = "wə_ːj",
["â"] = "ɜ_", ["âu"] = "ɜ_w", ["ây"] = "ɜ_j", ["ê"] = "e_", ["êu"] = "e_w",
["ô"] = "o_", ["ôi"] = "o_j", ["ôô"] = "o_ː", ["ùa"] = "u_ɜ", ["ùi"] = "u_j",
["ă"] = "ɐ_", ["ơ"] = "ə_ː", ["ơi"] = "ə_ːj", ["ư"] = "ɨ_", ["ưa"] = "ɨ_ɜ",
["ưi"] = "ɨ_j", ["ưu"] = "ɨ_w", ["ươ"] = "ɨɜ_", ["ươi"] = "ɨɜ_j",
["ươu"] = "ɨɜ_w"
---Table mapping final consonant clusters to IPA transcriptions, or functions
-- that return transcriptions for the given dialect and glide-vowel-glide
-- sequence.
Dialect.finalConsonantsToIPA = {
c = "k", ch = "k", m = "m", n = "n", ng = "ŋ", nh = "ŋ", p = "p", t = "t"
---Table mapping dialects to tables of VIQR tone representations to IPA tone
-- letter sequences.
Dialect.viqrTonesToIPA = {
[""] = "˧˧", ["'"] = "˧˥", ["`"] = "˨˩", ["?"] = "˧˩˧", ["~"] = "˧˥",
["."] = "˨˩"
Dialect.toneAttributes = {}
dialects = {}
NorthernDialect = Dialect:new({
interiorToIPA = {["ưu"] = "i_w", ["ươu"] = "iɜ_w"},
toneAttributes = {
["`"] = {breathy = true}, ["?"] = {creaky = true},
["~"] = {glottal = true, repeated = true},
["."] = {creaky = true, glottal = true}
dialects["Hà Nội"] = NorthernDialect:new({
initialConsonantsToIPA = {r = "z", s = "s", tr = "ʨ"}
dialects["Hải Phòng"] = NorthernDialect:new({
initialConsonantsToIPA = {d = "j", gi = "j", r = "z"}
local NorthCentralDialect = Dialect:new({
initialConsonantsToIPA = {d = "g"},
viqrTonesToIPA = {["`"] = "˧˧", ["?"] = "˧˩", ["."] = "˨˨"}
dialects["Vinh"] = NorthCentralDialect:new({
viqrTonesToIPA = {[""] = "˧˥", ["'"] = "˩˩", ["~"] = "˩˧"},
toneAttributes = {["~"] = {creaky = true}}
dialects["Thanh Chương"] = NorthCentralDialect:new({
viqrTonesToIPA = {[""] = "˧˥", ["'"] = "˩˩", ["~"] = "˧˩"},
toneAttributes = {["."] = {creaky = true}}
dialects["Hà Tĩnh"] = NorthCentralDialect:new({
viqrTonesToIPA = {[""] = "˧˥˧", ["'"] = "˩˧", ["~"] = "˨˨"},
toneAttributes = {
["'"] = {creaky = true}, ["?"] = {creaky = true, glottal = true},
["~"] = {creaky = true}, ["."] = {creaky = true}
dialects["Huế"] = Dialect:new({
initialConsonantsToIPA = {d = "j", gi = "j", v = "j"},
interiorToIPA = {
oa = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "ch" or cf == "nh" then return "wa_ʲ"
else return "wa_" end
finalConsonantsToIPA = {
ch = "t", n = function (ci, gvg)
if gvg == "ê" or gvg == "i" then return "n"
else return "ŋ" end
t = function (ci, gvg)
if gvg == "ê" or gvg == "i" then return "t"
else return "k" end
viqrTonesToIPA = {
[""] = "˧˥", ["'"] = "˩˧", ["`"] = "˧˧", ["?"] = "˧˩˨", ["~"] = "˧˩˨",
["."] = "˨˨"
toneAttributes = {["'"] = {creaky = true}, ["."] = {creaky = true}}
SouthernDialect = Dialect:new({
initialConsonantsToIPA = {d = "j", gi = "j", q = "", v = "j"},
interiorToIPA = {
i = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "ch" or cf == "nh" or cf == "n" or cf == "t" then return "ɨ_"
else return "i_" end
oa = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "ch" or cf == "nh" then return "wa_ʲ"
else return "wa_" end
["uô"] = "wɜ"
finalConsonantsToIPA = {
ch = "t", n = function (ci, gvg)
if gvg == "ê" or gvg == "i" then return "n"
else return "ŋ" end
nh = function (ci, gvg)
if gvg == "ê" or gvg == "i" then return "n"
else return "ŋ" end
t = function (ci, gvg)
if gvg == "i" then return "t"
else return "k" end
viqrTonesToIPA = {["?"] = "˨˩˦", ["~"] = "˨˩˦", ["."] = "˨˩˨"}
dialects["Quy Nhơn"] = SouthernDialect:new({
initialConsonantsToIPA = {
kh = function (gvg, cf)
if gvg:sub(1, 2) == "oa" or gvg:sub(1, 2) == "oe" then return "f"
else return "x" end
ng = function (gvg, cf)
-- /w/ would be deleted as part of "oai".
if gvg == "oai" then return "kw" else return "ŋ" end
[""] = function (gvg, cf)
if gvg == "ơi" then return "kw" else return "" end
interiorToIPA = {
a = function (ci, cf)
if #cf < 1 then return "ɛ_ɐ" else return "ɐ_ː" end
o = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "c" or cf == "ng" then return "ɐ_w"
elseif cf == "m" then return "o_"
else return "ɔ_" end
oo = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "m" then return "o_ː" else return "ɔ_ː" end
["ă"] = "ɒ_", ["ê"] = function (ci, cf)
if cf == "p" then return "i_" else return "e_" end
["iêu"] = "i_w",
["ôi"] = "ɜ_w", ["ươi"] = "ɨ_", ["uôi"] = "u_j"
finalConsonantsToIPA = {
t = function (ci, gvg)
if gvg == "o" or gvg == "ô" or gvg == "ôô" or gvg == "u" then
return "t"
else return "k" end
dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.oa = dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.a
dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.oai = dialects["Quy Nhơn"]
dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.oao = dialects["Quy Nhơn"]
dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.oay = dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.ay
dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.oe = dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.e
dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.oeo = dialects["Quy Nhơn"].interiorToIPA.eo
dialects["Sài Gòn"] = SouthernDialect:new()
return dialects