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From Wikipedia

This module can be used for advance linking, according to Wikidata. It includes the following functions:

  • property - get a link according to wikidata claim
    • Parameters: property (e.g p123)
    • Example: in Lion {{#invoke:PropertyLink|property|p70}} - will give Carnivora. It is better to use this function and not [[{{#property:p70}}]] as the property gives the label in Wikidata, while this function will use the correct sitelink.
  • label: gives the label in wikidata (no [[link]])
    • Parameters: property (e.g p123)
  • imageLink: Get a related file to be used in the article
    • Parameters:
      • 1 param (optional) - Property to get commons link. If not specified it uses d:Property:p18 (a generic property for image in wikidata)
      • width - default 220px

function getProperty( propertyName, options )
    local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
    if not entity or not entity.claims then return end--the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
    local property = entity.claims[propertyName]
    if not property then return end--no such property for this item
    local result = {}
    for i, statement in pairs( property ) do
        local propValue = statement.mainsnak and statement.mainsnak.datavalue
        if propValue then --property exists
            if propValue['type'] == 'wikibase-entityid' then
                local linkTarget = mw.wikibase.sitelink( "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id'] )
                local linkTitle = mw.wikibase.label( "Q" ..propValue.value['numeric-id'] )
                table.insert( result,  ( linkTarget and linkTitle and mw.ustring.format( "[[%s|%s]]", linkTarget, linkTitle )
                    or linkTitle ) )
            elseif propValue and propValue['type'] == 'string' then 
                table.insert( result, propValue.value )
    return mw.text.listToText(result, options.separator, options.conjunction )
function property( options )
    return getProperty(string.lower(options.args[1]), options)
function getLabel( propertyName )
    local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
    if not entity or not entity.claims then return end--the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
    local property = entity.claims[propertyName]
    if not property then return end--no such property for this item
    property = property[0]
    local propValue = property.mainsnak.datavalue
    if not propValue then return '' end --property doesnt exist
    if propValue['type']=='wikibase-entityid' then
        return mw.wikibase.label( "Q" ..propValue.value['numeric-id'] )
    elseif propValue['type'] == 'string' then
        return propValue.value
-- Return the label for property, or the label of the linked entiy of that property
function label( frame )
    return getLabel( string.lower(frame.args[1] ))
function getImageLink( propName, width)
    local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
    if not entity or not entity.claims then return end --the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
    local property = entity.claims[propName or "p18"]
    if property then
        local width = width or "220"
        return mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|%spx]]', property[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value, width )
--use this function to get associated image to be used in the article
function imageLink( frame )
    return getImageLink( string.lower(frame.args[1]), frame.args["width"])
return {
    imageLink = imageLink,
    Image = imageLink,
    File = imageLink,
    label = label,
    Label = label,
    property = property,
    Property = property,
    getProperty = getProperty,
    getImageLink = getImageLink,
    getLabel = getLabel