Module:Peter Bowman/odmiana/es
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Peter Bowman/odmiana/es/doc
local p = { conjug = {}, modelos = {}, tabla = {} }
local subString, lenString = mw.ustring.sub, mw.ustring.len -- usar en entornos Wiki
--local subString, lenString = string.sub, string.len
p.mensaje = function (verbo)
return [=[
<b>Brak lub nieprawidlowy parametr "model" ([]=]..verbo..[=[ DRAE]). Wpisz <tt>"model=reg"</tt> dla czasownika regularnego.</b>
Opcjonalne parametry:
<ul><li><tt>"[[participio#es|participio]]"</tt> – imieslów bierny nieregularny, np.: <i>escribir – <span style="color:red">escrito</span></i></li>
<li><tt>"3.os"</tt> – wybierz:</br><ul>
<li><tt>"3.os=lp"</tt> – czasownik nieosobowy ([[verbo impersonal#es|impersonal]]), tylko formy 3. os. lp.; np.: <i><span style="color:red">nevar</span></i> (sniezyc)</li>
<li><tt>"3.os=lm"</tt> – czasownik trzecioosobowy ([[verbo terciopersonal#es|terciopersonal]]), tylko formy 3. os. lp. i lm.; np.: <i><span style="color:red">atañer</span></i> (dotyczyc)</li></ul></li>
<li><tt>"uwagi"</tt> – jesli zbyt dlugi tekst nadmiernie rozszerza tabelke, nalezy kontynuowac od nowej linii wstawiajac znacznik <tt><nowiki></br></nowiki></tt>; np.: Dlugi tekst dlugi tekst<nowiki></br></nowiki>dlugi tekst</li></ul>
--[[ denominación de los "componentes" de una cadena (el verbo en infinitivo):
str = descolgar contar pagar comer sacarse casarse
pref = desc c p c s c
vocal = o o a o a a
tilde = ó ó á ó á á
int = l nt [nil] m [nil] s
suf1 = g [nil] g [nil] c [nil]
suf2 = gu [nil] gu [nil] qu [nil] ]]
-- divide la cadena proporcionada (el verbo) en componentes (ver esquema superior)
p.analizarCadena = function (str, modelo)
local componentes = {}
local vocalModelo = { actuar = "u", adeudar = "e", bailar = "a", causar = "a", coitar = "o", enviar = "i", peinar = "e" }
local tildeModelo = { actuar = "ú", adeudar = "é", bailar = "á", causar = "á", coitar = "ó", enviar = "í", peinar = "é" }
local indice, ind_suf, ind_vocal, conj, tilde, esPronominal = 0
local vocal = vocalModelo[modelo]
if subString(str, -2, -1) == "se" then -- comprueba si es un verbo pronominal
esPronominal = true
indice = 2
else esPronominal = false end
local aux = subString(str, -2-indice, -1-indice) -- recorta el "-se" si procede
-- caso especial para el modelo "ir", retorna a la rutina principal si es el caso
if modelo == "ir" then return { pref = (aux == "ir") and "" or "contra" }, esPronominal, 3 end
if aux == "ar" then conj = 1
elseif aux == "er" then conj = 2
elseif (aux == "ir") or (aux == "ír") then conj = 3 end
aux = subString(str, 1, -3-indice) -- recorta la desinencia del infinitivo ("-ar", "-er", "-ir") y el "-se"
componentes.suf1, componentes.suf2, ind_suf = p.consTema(aux, conj) -- llamada a .consTema
ind_vocal, componentes.tilde = p.buscaVocal(aux, vocal, (modelo == "construir")) -- llamada a .buscaVocal
componentes.tilde = componentes.tilde or tildeModelo[modelo] or ""
componentes.vocal = vocal or (ind_vocal and subString(aux, -ind_vocal, -ind_vocal) or "")
ind_vocal, ind_suf = ind_vocal or 0, ind_suf or 1
componentes.pref = (ind_vocal == lenString(aux)) and "" or subString(aux, 1, -1-ind_vocal) = (ind_vocal <= 1) and "" or subString(aux, -ind_vocal+1, -ind_suf)
return componentes, esPronominal, conj
-- devuelve la posición de la/s consonante/s que sufre/n cambios para conservar el sonido (ver .mensaje)
p.consTema = function (str, conj)
local aux = subString(str, -1, -1) -- extrae la última letra de la raíz (COM-er = M)
if conj == 1 then
-- primera conjugación
if aux == "c" then return aux, "qu", 2
elseif aux == "g" then return aux, "gu", 2
elseif aux == "z" then return aux, "c", 2
local aux = subString(str, -2, -1) -- extrae las dos últimas letras de la raíz
if aux == "gu" then return aux, "gü", 3 end
-- segunda o tercera conjugación
if aux == "c" then return aux, "z", 2
elseif aux == "g" then return aux, "j", 2
local aux = subString(str, -2, -1) -- extrae las dos últimas letras de la raíz
if aux == "gu" then return aux, "g", 3
elseif aux == "qu" then return aux, "c", 3 end
-- por defecto devuelve cadenas vacías en .suf1 y .suf2 y nil en ind_sufijo
return "", "", nil
-- devuelve la posición de la primera vocal que encuentra (o de aquella que se ha indicado previamente, si es el caso)
-- y su variante con tilde para las formas del imperativo pronominal (comer -> cOme -> cÓmete)
p.buscaVocal = function (str, vocal, op)
local indice, len, aux, tilde = 1, lenString(str)
if vocal then
-- vocal indicada (ver vocalModelo{} en .analizarCadena)
aux = subString(str, -indice, -indice)
if vocal == aux then break
else indice = indice + 1 end
until indice == len + 1
-- vocal no indicada
local sin_tilde = { "a", "e", "o", "ü", "i", "u" }
local con_tilde = { "á", "é", "ó", "ü", "í", "ú" }
aux = subString(str, -indice, -indice)
for i, v in pairs(sin_tilde) do
if v == aux then
if (indice == 1) and (i > 4) and (not op) then -- no hace nada
else tilde = con_tilde[i] break end
if tilde then break
else indice = indice + 1 end
until indice == len + 1
-- no encuentra ninguna vocal (dar, ver)
if not tilde then indice = nil end
return indice, tilde
--local temp = p.analizarCadena("argüir", "construir")
--for i, v in pairs(temp) do print(i,v) end
-- mensajes a mostrar en la celda desplegable "notas" cuando hay alternancia de consonantes para preservar el sonido
local notas = {
g_gu = 'Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"g"</b>, która przybiera forme grupy liter <b>"gu"</b> przed gloskami [e], [i]',
z_c = 'Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"z"</b>, która przybiera forme litery <b>"c"</b> przed gloskami [e], [i]',
c_qu = 'Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"c"</b>, która przybiera forme grupy liter <b>"qu"</b> przed gloskami [e], [i]',
["gu_gü"] = 'Rdzen konczy sie grupa <b>"gu"</b>, która przybiera forme <b>"gü"</b> przed gloskami [e], [i]',
g_j = 'Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"g"</b>, która przybiera forme litery <b>"j"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o], [u]',
c_z = 'Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"c"</b>, która przybiera forme litery <b>"z"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o], [u]',
gu_g = 'Rdzen konczy sie grupa <b>"gu"</b>, która przybiera forme litery <b>"g"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o], [u]',
qu_c = 'Rdzen konczy sie grupa <b>"qu"</b>, która przybiera forme litery <b>"c"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o], [u]'
-- rellena el array con las formas verbales de la conjugación [i] usando el tema "regular" (acertar -> acert-)
p.conjug[1] = function (comp)
local c, es = {}, "#es|"
local t =
local t2 =
c.ger, c.ger2 = "ando", "ándose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = "o", "as", "ás", "a", "amos", "áis", "an"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s, c.pi_i_3s, c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = "aba", "abas", "aba", "ábamos", "abais", "aban"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = "é", "aste", "ó", "amos", "asteis", "aron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s, c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = "aré", "arás", "ará", "aremos", "aréis", "arán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s, c.c_i_3s, c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = "aría", "arías", "aría", "aríamos", "aríais", "arían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s, c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = "e", "es", "e", "emos", "éis", "en"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = "ara", "aras", "ara", "áramos", "arais", "aran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = "ase", "ases", "ase", "ásemos", "aseis", "asen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s, c.f_s_3s, c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = "are", "ares", "are", "áremos", "areis", "aren"
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, "á", "ad"
c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p = "ate", "émonos", "aos"
for i in pairs(c) do c[i] = t..c[i][i] end
c.inf, c.part = t.."ar", t.."ado"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = t2.."ate""ate", t2.."ese""ese", t2.."ense""ense"
return c
p.conjug[2] = function (comp)
local c, es = {}, "#es|"
local t =
local t2 =
c.ger, c.ger2 = "iendo", "iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = "o", "es", "és", "e", "emos", "éis", "en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s, c.pi_i_3s, c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = "ía", "ías", "ía", "íamos", "íais", "ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = "í", "iste", "ió", "imos", "isteis", "ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s, c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = "eré", "erás", "erá", "eremos", "eréis", "erán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s, c.c_i_3s, c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = "ería", "erías", "ería", "eríamos", "eríais", "erían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s, c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = "a", "as", "a", "amos", "áis", "an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = "iera", "ieras", "iera", "iéramos", "ierais", "ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = "iese", "ieses", "iese", "iésemos", "ieseis", "iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s, c.f_s_3s, c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = "iere", "ieres", "iere", "iéremos", "iereis", "ieren"
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, "é", "ed"
c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p = "ete", "ámonos", "eos"
for i in pairs(c) do c[i] = t..c[i][i] end
c.inf, c.part = t.."er", t.."ido"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = t2.."ete""ete", t2.."ase""ase", t2.."anse""anse"
return c
p.conjug[3] = function (comp)
local c, es = {}, "#es|"
local t =
local t2 =
c.ger, c.ger2 = "iendo", "iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = "o", "es", "ís", "e", "imos", "ís", "en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s, c.pi_i_3s, c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = "ía", "ías", "ía", "íamos", "íais", "ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = "í", "iste", "ió", "imos", "isteis", "ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s, c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = "iré", "irás", "irá", "iremos", "iréis", "irán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s, c.c_i_3s, c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = "iría", "irías", "iría", "iríamos", "iríais", "irían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s, c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = "a", "as", "a", "amos", "áis", "an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = "iera", "ieras", "iera", "iéramos", "ierais", "ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = "iese", "ieses", "iese", "iésemos", "ieseis", "iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s, c.f_s_3s, c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = "iere", "ieres", "iere", "iéremos", "iereis", "ieren"
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, "í", "id"
c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p = "ite", "ámonos", "íos"
for i in pairs(c) do c[i] = t..c[i][i] end
c.inf, c.part = t.."ir", t.."ido"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = t2.."ete""ete", t2.."ase""ase", t2.."anse""anse"
return c
local _i, _d = '<span style="color:red">', '</span>'
-- modelo común para la conjugación REGULAR sin tildación
p.modelos.reg = function (C, conj, modelo, verbo)
local aux, auxT, op =,, (conj == 1)
local s2, _s2 = C.suf2, (C.suf2 == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d
local c, es = p.conjug[conj](C), "#es|"
c.modelo = "reg"
c.p_i_1s = op and c.p_i_1s or aux..s2.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1s = op and aux..s2.."é""é" or c.pps_i_1s
c.p_s_1s = op and aux..s2.."e""e" or aux..s2.."a""a"
c.p_s_2s = op and aux..s2.."es""es" or aux..s2.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p = op and aux..s2.."emos""emos" or aux..s2.."amos""amos"
c.p_s_2p = op and aux..s2.."éis""éis" or aux..s2.."áis""áis"
c.p_s_3p = op and aux..s2.."en""en" or aux..s2.."an""an"
c.p_s_3s = c.p_s_1s
c.imp_pron_3s = op and auxT..s2.."ese""ese" or auxT..s2.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p = op and aux..s2.."émonos""émonos" or aux..s2.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_3p = op and auxT..s2.."ense""ense" or auxT..s2.."anse""anse"
if (C.suf1 ~= "") then
if C.suf2 == "qu" then c.alt = "sacar"
elseif C.suf2 == "gu" then c.alt = "pagar"
elseif C.suf1 == "z" then c.alt = "cazar"
elseif C.suf2 == "gü" then c.alt = "desaguar"
elseif C.suf1 == "qu" then c.alt = "delinquir"
elseif C.suf2 == "g" then c.alt = "distinguir"
elseif (C.suf2 == "z") and (conj == 2) then c.alt = "vencer"
elseif (C.suf2 == "z") and (conj == 3) then c.alt = "esparcir"
elseif (C.suf2 == "j") and (conj == 2) then c.alt = "proteger"
elseif (C.suf2 == "j") and (conj == 3) then c.alt = "dirigir" end
c.notas = "<li>"..notas[C.suf1.."_"..C.suf2].."</li>"
if (modelo ~= "reg") then
if verbo == "desahuciar" then
if modelo == "anunciar" then c.dipt2 = "causar"
elseif modelo == "causar" then c.dipt2 = "anunciar" end
c.dipt = modelo
-- participio irregular del grupo "escribir" - "escripto"
if (verbo == "escribir") or (verbo == "adscribir") or (verbo == "circunscribir") or (verbo == "describir") or (verbo == "inscribir") or (verbo == "prescribir") or (verbo == "proscribir") or (verbo == "rescribir") or (verbo == "sobrescribir") or (verbo == "subscribir") or (verbo == "suscribir") or (verbo == "transcribir") or (verbo == "trascribir") then
c.part_irr, c.part, c.part_ipto = true, C.pref.."ito", C.pref.."ipto"
-- participio doble del grupo "imprimir" - "imprimido" o "impreso"
if (verbo == "imprimir") or (verbo == "sobreimprimir") or (verbo == "reimprimir") then c.part_doble = C.pref.."eso" end
-- verbos defectivos eimorfos e imorfos
if (verbo == "balbucir") or (verbo == "marcir") or (verbo == "eflorescer") or (verbo == "evanescer") or (verbo == "fosforescer") or (verbo == "pubescer") then
c.eimorfo, c.defectivo = true, true
c.notas = "<li>Stosuje sie wylacznie te formy, których koncówka fleksyjna rozpoczyna sie gloska [e] lub [i]</li>"
elseif (verbo == "abolir") or (verbo == "arrecir") or (verbo == "aterir") or (verbo == "empedernir") or (verbo == "colorir") or (verbo == "compungir") or (verbo == "garantir") or (verbo == "desabrir") or (verbo == "manir") or (verbo == "descolorir") or (verbo == "preterir") then
c.imorfo, c.defectivo = true, true
c.notas = "<li>Stosuje sie wylacznie te formy, których koncówka fleksyjna rozpoczyna sie gloska [i]</li>"
return c
-- modelo común para la conjugación REGULAR con tildación
p.modelos.reg_tilde = function (C, conj, modelo, verbo)
-- ejemplo: *augar, *aúgo, *aúgue
-- t = aug-, t2 = augu-, tT = aúg-, tT2 = aúgu-
local t, s2 =, (C.suf2 == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d
local t2, _t2 =,
local tT, _tT =,
local tT2, _tT2 =,
local op = (conj == 1)
local c, es = p.conjug[conj](C), "#es|"
c.modelo, c.tild = "reg", modelo
c.p_i_1s = op and tT.."o""o" or tT2.."o""o"
c.p_i_2s = op and tT.."as""as" or tT.."es""es"
c.p_i_3s = op and tT.."a""a" or tT.."e""e"
c.p_i_3p = op and tT.."an""an" or tT.."en""en"
c.pps_i_1s = op and t2.."é""é" or c.pps_i_1s
c.p_s_1s = op and tT2.."e""e" or tT2.."a""a"
c.p_s_2s = op and tT2.."es""es" or tT2.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p = op and t2.."emos""emos" or t2.."amos""amos"
c.p_s_2p = op and t2.."éis""éis" or t2.."áis""áis"
c.p_s_3p = op and tT2.."en""en" or tT2.."an""an"
c.p_s_3s, c.imp_2s = c.p_s_1s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s = op and tT.."ate""ate" or tT.."ete""ete"
c.imp_pron_3s = op and tT2.."ese""ese" or tT2.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p = op and t2.."émonos""émonos" or t2.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_3p = op and tT2.."ense""ense" or tT2.."anse""anse"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske ['..C.vocal..'], ta tworzy rozziew z sasiadujaca samogloska i przybiera akcent graficzny</li>'
if (C.suf1 ~= "") then
if C.suf2 == "qu" then c.alt = "sacar"
elseif C.suf2 == "gu" then c.alt = "pagar"
elseif C.suf1 == "z" then c.alt = "cazar"
elseif C.suf2 == "gü" then c.alt = "desaguar"
elseif C.suf1 == "qu" then c.alt = "delinquir"
elseif C.suf2 == "g" then c.alt = "distinguir"
elseif (C.suf2 == "z") and (conj == 2) then c.alt = "vencer"
elseif (C.suf2 == "z") and (conj == 3) then c.alt = "esparcir"
elseif (C.suf2 == "j") and (conj == 2) then c.alt = "proteger"
elseif (C.suf2 == "j") and (conj == 3) then c.alt = "dirigir" end
c.notas = c.notas.."<li>"..notas[C.suf1.."_"..C.suf2].."</li>"
-- verbos con formas monosilábicas
if (verbo == "chiar") or (verbo == "ciar") or (verbo == "criar") or (verbo == "fiar") or (verbo == "gruar") or (verbo == "guiar") or (verbo == "liar") or (verbo == "miar") or (verbo == "piar") or (verbo == "priar") or (verbo == "puar") or (verbo == "ruar") or (verbo == "triar") then
local aux = C.pref..(modelo == "enviar" and "i" or "u")
c.p_i_2vs = aux.."as""a".._d.."s"
c.p_i_2p = aux.."ais""a".._d.."is"
c.pps_i_1s = aux.."e""e".._d
c.pps_i_3s = aux.."o""o".._d
c.p_s_2p = aux.."eis""e".._d.."is"
c.imp_2vs = aux.."a""a".._d
c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Zgodnie z regula pisowni nie akcentuje sie wyrazów jednosylabowych: <i>'..aux..'as, '..aux..'ais, '..aux..'e, '..aux..'o, '..aux..'eis, '..aux..'a</i></li>'
return c
-- modelos para la conjugación IRREGULAR
p.modelos.acertar = function (C)
-- t = comienz-, tT = comiénz-, tS = comienc-, tST = comiénc-, t2S = comenc-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ie", C.pref.._i.."ie"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ié", C.pref.._i.."ié"
local tS, _tS = C.pref.."ie", C.pref.._i.."ie" == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local tST, _tST = C.pref.."ié", C.pref.._i.."ié" == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local t2S, _t2S = C.pref.."e", C.pref.."e" == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local c, es = p.conjug[1](C), "#es|"
c.modelo = "acertar"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."as""as", t.."a""a", t.."an""an"
c.pps_i_1s = t2S.."é""é"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s, c.p_s_3p = tS.."e""e", tS.."es""es", tS.."e""e", tS.."en""en"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p = t2S.."emos""emos", t2S.."éis""éis"
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ate""ate", tST.."ese""ese", tST.."ense""ense"
c.imp_pron_1p = t2S.."émonos""émonos"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ie"</b></li>'
if (C.suf1 ~= "") then
if "g" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "regar"
elseif "z" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "empezar" end
c.notas = c.notas.."<li>"..notas[C.suf1.."_"..C.suf2].."</li>"
return c
p.modelos.adquirir = function (C, conj, modelo) -- también: "entender", "discernir"
-- t = adquier-, tT = adquiér-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ie", C.pref.._i.."ie"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ié", C.pref.._i.."ié"
local c, es = p.conjug[conj](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s, c.p_s_3p = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a", t.."an""an"
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske ['..((modelo == "adquirir") and "i" or "e")..'], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ie"</b></li>'
return c
p.modelos.agradecer = function (C, conj, _modelo, verbo) -- también: "lucir", usado por: "yacer"
-- t = agradezc-, tT = agradézc-
local t, _t = C.pref..C.vocal.."zc", C.pref..C.vocal.._i.."zc".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref..C.tilde.."zc", C.pref..C.tilde.._i.."zc".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[conj](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = '<li>Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"c"</b>, która przybiera forme grupy liter <b>"zc"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li>'
if verbo == "placer" then
c.pps_i_3s = "plació""plació".."]], [[".."plugo""pl".._i.."ugo".._d
c.pi1_s_3s = "placiera""placiera".."]], [[".."pluguiera""pl".._i.."ugu".._d.."iera"
c.pi2_s_3s = "placiese""placiese".."]], [[".."pluguiese""pl".._i.."ugu".._d.."iese"
c.f_s_3s = "placiere""placiere".."]], [[".."pluguiere""pl".._i.."ugu".._d.."iere"
c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Oboczna forma 3. os. lp. czasów <i>pretérito perfecto simple (ind.)</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i> zamienia grupe rdzenia <b>"ac"</b> na forme <b>"ug"</b></li>'
return c
p.modelos.andar = function (C)
-- t = anduv-
local t, _t = C.pref.."a""uv", C.pref.."a""uv".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[1](C), "#es|"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t.."e""e", t.."iste""iste", t.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t.."imos""imos", t.."isteis""isteis", t.."ieron""ieron"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."iera""iera", t.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."iéramos""iéramos", t.."ierais""ierais", t.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."iese""iese", t.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."iésemos""iésemos", t.."ieseis""ieseis", t.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."iere""iere", t.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."iéremos""iéremos", t.."iereis""iereis", t.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>; pozostale koncówki tego czasu,</br><!--
--><i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i> pochodza od koniugacji II-III</li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa grupe <b>"uv"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.asir = function (C)
-- t = asg-, tT = ásg-
local t, _t = C.pref.."asg", C.pref.."as".._i.."g".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ásg", C.pref.."ás".._i.."g".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = '<li>Rdzen otrzymuje dodatkowa, koncowa spólgloske <b>"g"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li>'
return c
p.modelos.caer = function (C) -- usado por: "roer"
-- t = caig-, tT = cáig-, t2 = cay-
local t, _t = C.pref.."aig", C.pref.."a".._i.."ig".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."áig", C.pref.."á".._i.."ig".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."ay", C.pref.."a".._i.."y".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[2](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t2.."endo""endo", t2.."éndose""éndose"
c.part, c._part = C.pref.."aído", C.pref.."a".._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."ó""ó", t2.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."era""era", t2.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."éramos""éramos", t2.."erais""erais", t2.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."ese""ese", t2.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."ésemos""ésemos", t2.."eseis""eseis", t2.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."ere""ere", t2.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."éremos""éremos", t2.."ereis""ereis", t2.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje dodatkowa, koncowa grupe <b>"ig"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, akcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce tworzy rozziew z gloska [a] rdzenia, otrzymujac akcent graficzny (<b>"aí"</b>)</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce przechodzi w spólgloske <b>"y"</b>, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos["ceñir"] = function (C)
-- t = ciñ-, tT = cíñ-
local t, _t = C.pref.."iñ", C.pref.._i.."i".._d.."ñ"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."íñ", C.pref.._i.."í".._d.."ñ"
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."endo""endo", t.."éndose""éndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ó""ó", t.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_pron_2s = c.p_i_3s, tT.."ete""ete"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Kiedy jest akcentowana, rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"i"</b></li><!--
--><li>W 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, we wszystkich czasach <i>subjuntivo</i> i w <i>gerundio</i> rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi</br><!--
-->w samogloske <b>"i"</b></li><!--
--><li>Traci poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloske <b>"i"</b> w koncówce fleksyjnej, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska (*)</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.conducir = function (C)
-- t = conduzc-, tT = condúzc-, t2 = conduj-
local t, _t = C.pref.."uzc", C.pref.."u".._i.."zc".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."úzc", C.pref.."ú".._i.."zc".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."uj", C.pref.."u".._i.."j".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e", t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."era""era", t2.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."éramos""éramos", t2.."erais""erais", t2.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."ese""ese", t2.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."ésemos""ésemos", t2.."eseis""eseis", t2.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."ere""ere", t2.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."éremos""éremos", t2.."ereis""ereis", t2.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"c"</b>, która przybiera forme grupy liter <b>"zc"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i></li><!--
--><li>Ostatnia spólgloska rdzenia <b>"c"</b> przybiera forme <b>"j"</b> w czasach </i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloske <b>"i"</n> w koncówce, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska (wyjatek: <i>gerundio</i>) (*)</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.construir = function (C, _conj, _modelo, verbo)
local t, _t, tT, _tT
if C.vocal == "ü" then -- verbos acabados en "-güir": argüir, reargüir, redargüir, caigüir
local str = string.sub(C.pref, 1, -2)
-- t = arguy-, tT = argúy-
t, _t = str.."guy", str.._i.."guy".._d
tT, _tT = str.."gúy", str.._i.."gúy".._d
-- t = construy-, tT = constrúy-
t, _t = C.pref.."uy", C.pref.."u".._i.."y".._d
tT, _tT = C.pref.."úy", C.pref.."ú".._i.."y".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."endo""endo", t.."éndose""éndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ó""ó", t.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"y"</b> przed samogloska otwarta [a], [e] lub [o]</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce przechodzi w spólgloske <b>"y"</b>, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska</li>]=]
-- verbos con formas monosilábicas
if (verbo == "buir") or (verbo == "fluir") or (verbo == "fruir") or (verbo == "gruir") or (verbo == "huir") or (verbo == "luir") or (verbo == "muir") then
local aux = C.pref.."u"
c.p_i_2vs = aux.."is""i".._d.."s"
c.pps_i_1s = aux.."i""i".._d
c.p_i_2p, c.imp_2vs = c.p_i_2vs, c.pps_i_1s
c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Zgodnie z regula pisowni nie akcentuje sie wyrazów jednosylabowych: <i>'..aux..'is, '..aux..'i</i></li>'
if verbo == "rehuir" then
c.p_i_1s = "rehúyo""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."o"
c.p_i_2s = "rehúyes""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."es"
c.p_i_3s = "rehúye""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."e"
c.p_i_3p = "rehúyen""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."en"
c.p_s_1s = "rehúya""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."a"
c.p_s_2s = "rehúyas""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."as"
c.p_s_3p = "rehúyan""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."an"
c.p_s_3s, c.imp_2s = c.p_s_1s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s = "rehúyete""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."ete"
c.imp_pron_3s = "rehúyase""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."anse"
c.imp_pron_3p = "rehúyanse""reh".._i.."úy".._d.."anse"
c.tild = "reunir"
c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [u], ta tworzy rozziew z poprzednia gloska [e] i przybiera akcent graficzny (<b>"ehú"</b>)</li>'
-- verbos acabados en "-güir": argüir, reargüir, redargüir, caigüir
if C.vocal == "ü" then c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Diereza zanika w czasach, w których po rdzeniu wystepuje spólgloska <b>"y"</b> (<b>"gü"</b> przybiera forme <b>"gu"</b>)</li>' end
return c
p.modelos.contar = function (C, _conj, _modelo, verbo) -- también: "jugar"
local aux, auxT, _aux, _auxT
local _h = (verbo == "desosar") and "h" or ""
if verbo == "degollar" then
aux, _aux = "degüell", "de".._i.."güe".._d.."ll"
auxT, _auxT = "degüéll", "de".._i.."güé".._d.."ll"
aux, _aux = C.pref.._h.."ue", C.pref.._i.._h.."ue"
auxT, _auxT = C.pref.._h.."ué", C.pref.._i.._h.."ué"
-- t = cuelg-, tT = cuélg-, tS = cuelgu-, tST = cuélgu-, t2S = colgu-
local t, _t = aux..C.suf1, _aux..C.suf1
local tT, _tT = auxT..C.suf1, _auxT..C.suf1
local tS, _tS = aux..C.suf2, _aux..((C.suf2 == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local tST, _tST = auxT..C.suf2, _auxT..((C.suf2 == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local t2S, _t2S =, == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local c, es = p.conjug[1](C), "#es|"
c.modelo = "contar"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."as""as", t.."a""a", t.."an""an"
c.pps_i_1s = t2S.."é""é"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = tS.."e""e", tS.."es""es", tS.."e""e"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t2S.."emos""emos", t2S.."éis""éis", tS.."en""en"
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ate""ate", tST.."ese""ese", tST.."ense""ense"
c.imp_pron_1p = t2S.."émonos""émonos"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [o], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"'.._h..'ue"</b></li>'
if (C.suf1 ~= "") then
if "g" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "colgar"
elseif "c" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "volcar"
elseif "z" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "forzar" end
c.notas = c.notas.."<li>"..notas[C.suf1.."_"..C.suf2].."</li>"
if verbo == "degollar" then c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Rdzen zawiera spólgloska <b>"g"</b>, która przybiera forme grupy liter <b>"gü"</b> przed gloskami [e], [i]</li>' end
return c
p.modelos.dar = function (C, _conj, modelo, verbo)
local t, c, es, op =, p.conjug[1](C), "#es|", (modelo == verbo)
c.p_i_1s = t.."oy""o".._i.."y".._d
c.p_i_2s = op and c.p_i_2s or t.."ás""á".._d.."s"
c.p_i_2vs = c.p_i_2s
c.p_i_3s = op and c.p_i_3s or t.."á""á".._d
c.p_i_2p = op and "dais""d".._i.."a".._d.."is" or c.p_i_2p
c.p_i_3p = op and c.p_i_3p or t.."án""á".._d.."n"
c.pps_i_1s = op and "di""d".._i.."i".._d or t.."í""í".._d
c.pps_i_2s = t.."iste""iste".._d
c.pps_i_3s = op and "dio""d".._i.."io".._d or t.."ió""ió".._d
c.pps_i_1p = t.."imos""imos".._d
c.pps_i_2p = t.."isteis""isteis".._d
c.pps_i_3p = t.."ieron""ieron".._d
c.p_s_1s = t.."é""é".._d
c.p_s_2s = op and c.p_s_2s or t.."és""é".._d.."s"
c.p_s_3s = c.p_s_1s
c.p_s_2p = op and "deis""d".._i.."e".._d.."is" or c.p_s_2p
c.p_s_3p = op and c.p_s_3p or t.."én""é".._d.."n"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."iera""iera", t.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."iéramos""iéramos", t.."ierais""ierais", t.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."iese""iese", t.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."iésemos""iésemos", t.."ieseis""ieseis", t.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."iere""iere", t.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."iéremos""iéremos", t.."iereis""iereis", t.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs = c.p_i_3s, op and "da""d".._i.."a".._d or c.imp_2vs
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = t.."ese""ese", t.."ense""ense"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>; pozostale koncówki tego czasu,</br><!--
--><li>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i> pochodza od koniugacji II-III</li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa grupe <b>"uv"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.decir = function (C) -- terminar
-- test
p.modelos.discernir = function (C)
-- t = disciern-, tT = disciérn-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ie", C.pref.._i.."ie"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ié", C.pref.._i.."ié"
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s, c.p_s_3p = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a", t.."an""an"
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ie"</b></li>'
return c
p.modelos.dormir = function (C)
-- t = duerm-, tT = duérm-, t2 = durm-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ue", C.pref.._i.."ue"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ué", C.pref.._i.."ué"
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."u", C.pref.._i.."u"
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t2.."iendo""iendo", t2.."iéndose""iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."ió""ió", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t2.."amos""amos", t2.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_1p = t2.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [o], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ue"</b></li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest nieakcentowana, rdzenna gloska [o] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"u"</b> w 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>,</br><!--
-->w czasach <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.erguir = function (C)
-- t = yergu-, tT = yérgu-, tS = irg-, tST = írg-
local t, _t = "irgu", _i.."i".._d.."rgu"
local tT, _tT = "írgu", _i.."í".._d.."rgu"
local tS, _tS = "yerg", _i.."y".._d.."er".._i.."g".._d
local tST, _tST = "yérg", _i.."y".._d.."ér".._i.."g".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."iendo""iendo", t.."iéndose""iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = tS.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ió""ió", t.."ieron""ieron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = tS.."a""a", tS.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = tS.."amos""amos", tS.."áis""áis", tS.."an""an"
c.p_s_3s = c.p_s_1s
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."iera""iera", t.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."iéramos""iéramos", t.."ierais""ierais", t.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."iese""iese", t.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."iésemos""iésemos", t.."ieseis""ieseis", t.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."iere""iere", t.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."iéremos""iéremos", t.."iereis""iereis", t.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tST.."ase""ase", tST.."anse""anse"
c.imp_pron_1p = tS.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], rdzen otrzymuje poczatkowa spólgloske <b>"y"</b></li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest nieakcentowana, rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"i"</b> w 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>,</br><!--
-->we wszystkich czasach <i>modo subjuntivo</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen konczy sie grupa <b>"gu"</b>, która przybiera forme litery <b>"g"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o], [u]</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.errar = function (C)
-- t = yerr-, tT = yérr-
local t, _t = "yerr", _i.."y".._d.."err"
local tT, _tT = "yérr", _i.."y".._d.."érr"
local c, es = p.conjug[1](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."as""as", t.."a""a", t.."an""an"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3p = t.."e""e", t.."es""es", t.."en""en"
c.p_s_3s, c.imp_2s = c.p_s_1s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ate""ate", tT.."ese""ese", tT.."ense""ense"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], rdzen otrzymuje poczatkowa spólgloske <b>"y"</b></li>'
return c
p.modelos.estar = function (C)
local t, _t = "estuv", "est".._i.."uv".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[1](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s = "estoy""esto".._i.."y".._d, "estás""est".._i.."á".._d.."s", "estás""est".._i.."á".._d
c.p_i_3p = "están""est".._i.."á".._d.."n"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t.."e""e", t.."iste""iste", t.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t.."imos""imos", t.."isteis""isteis", t.."ieron""ieron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3p = "esté""est".._i.."é".._d, "estés""est".._i.."é".._d.."s", "estén""est".._i.."é".._d.."n"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."iera""iera", t.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."iéramos""iéramos", t.."ierais""ierais", t.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."iese""iese", t.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."iésemos""iésemos", t.."ieseis""ieseis", t.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."iere""iere", t.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."iéremos""iéremos", t.."iereis""iereis", t.."ieren""ieren"
c.p_i_2vs, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.p_i_2s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = "estate""est".._i.."ate".._d
c.imp_2vs = c.imp_2s
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Do koncówki 1. os. lp. czasu <i>presente de indicativo</i> dodaje sie jotowana spólgloske <b>"y"</b></li><!--
--><li>Formy <i>presente de indicativo</i> i <i>subjuntivo</i> sa akcentowane na ostatniej sylabie, przybierajac zatem akcent graficzny</li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>; pozostale koncówki tego czasu,</br><!--
--><i>pretérito imperfecto (subjuntivo)</i> i <i>futuro (subjuntivo)</i> pochodza od koniugacji II-III</li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa grupe <b>"uv"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Formy lp. trybu <i>imperativo</i> pochodza od czasownika zwrotnego <i>estarse</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.haber = function (C) -- terminar
-- test
p.modelos.hacer = function (C) -- terminar
-- test
end = function (C, _conj, modelo, verbo)
local op, tR = (modelo == verbo), C.pref
-- t = fu-, t2 = ib-, t2T = íb-, t3 = vay-, t3T = váy-
local t, _t = tR.."fu", tR.._i.."fu".._d
local t2, _t2 = op and "ib" or tR.."íb", op and _i.."ib".._d or tR.._i.."íb".._d
local t2T, _t2T = tR.."íb", tR.._i.."íb".._d
local t3, _t3 = tR.."vay", tR.._i.."vay".._d
local t3T, _t3T = tR.."váy", tR.._i.."váy".._d
local c, es = {}, "#es|"
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2 = op and "ir" or tR.."ír", tR.."yendo""y".._d.."endo", tR.."yéndose""y".._d.."éndose"
c.part, c._part = op and "ido" or tR.."ído", op and "ido" or tR.._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_1p = tR.."voy""voy".._d, tR.."vamos""va".._d.."mos"
c.p_i_2s = op and "vas""va".._d.."s" or tR.."vás""vá".._d.."s"
c.p_i_3s = op and "vas""va".._d or tR.."vás""vá".._d
c.p_i_2p = op and "vais""va".._d.."is" or tR.."váis""vá".._d.."is"
c.p_i_3p = op and "van""va".._d.."n" or tR.."ván""vá".._d.."n"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = t2.."a""a", t2.."as""as"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = t2T.."amos""amos", t2.."ais""ais", t2.."an""an"
c.pps_i_1s = op and "fui""fui".._d or t.."í""í".._d
c.pps_i_3s = op and "fue""fue".._d or t.."é""é".._d
c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_2p = t.."iste""iste", t.."isteis""isteis"
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_3p = t.."imos""imos", t.."eron""eron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = tR.."iré""iré", tR.."irás""irás", tR.."irá""irá"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = tR.."iremos""iremos", tR.."iréis""iréis", tR.."irán""irán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = tR.."iría""iría", tR.."irías""irías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = tR.."iríamos""iríamos", tR.."iríais""iríais", tR.."irían""irían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t3.."a""a", t3.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t3.."amos""amos", t3.."áis""áis", t3.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.p_i_2vs, c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.p_i_2s, c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = op and "ve""ve".._d or tR.."vé""vé".._d
c.imp_2vs = op and "andá""andá".._d or c.imp_2s
c.imp_2p = op and "id""id" or tR.."íd""í".._d.."d"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs = tR.."vete""v".._d.."ete", op and "andate""andate".._d or tR.."vete""v".."ete"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tR..t3T.."ase""ase", tR..t3T.."anse""anse"
c.imp_pron_1p = tR..t3.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_2p = op and "idos""idos" or tR.."ídos""í".._d.."dos"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Do koncówki 1. os. lp. czasu <i>presente de indicativo</i> dodaje sie jotowana spólgloske <b>"y"</b></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje spólgloske <b>"v"</b> w czasie <i>presente de indicativo</i> i w formie lp. trybu <i>imperativo (tú)</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w czasach <i>presente (indicativo/subjuntivo)</i> i <i>pretérito imperfecto</br><!--
-->(indicativo)</i>, zamieniajac w tym ostatnim poczatkowa litere <b>"a"</b> samogloska <b>"i"</b></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje grupe liter <b>"fu"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i>,</br><!--
-->tracac w tych ostatnich poczatkowa samogloske <b>"i"</b> koncówki fleksyjnej</li><!--
--><li>Koncówka fleksyjna 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i> przybiera forme samogloski <b>"e"</b></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje grupe liter <b>"vay"</b> w czasie <i>presente de subjuntivo</i></li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa samogloska <b>"i"</b> w gerundio przechodzi w spólgloske <b>"y"</b></li><!--
--><li>Forma lp. trybu <i>imperativo (vos)</i> pochodzi od czasownika <i>[[andar#es|andar]]</i></li><!--
--><li>Koncówka fleksyjna dla formy lm. trybu <i>imperativo (vosotros/as)</i> zachowuje spólgloske <b>"d"</b></li>
--><li>Zgodnie z regula pisowni nie akcentuje sie wyrazów jednosylabowych</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.leer = function (C, _conj, _modelo, verbo)
-- t = ley-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ey", C.pref.."e".._i.."y".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[2](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."endo""endo", t.."éndose""éndose"
c.part, c._part = C.pref.."eído", C.pref.."e".._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.pps_i_1p = C.pref.."eímos""e".._i.."í".._d.."mos"
c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_2p = C.pref.."eíste""e".._i.."í".._d.."ste", C.pref.."eísteis""e".._i.."í".._d.."steis"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ó""ó", t.."eron""eron"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, akcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce tworzy rozziew z gloska [e] rdzenia, otrzymujac akcent graficzny (<b>"eí"</b>)</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce przechodzi w spólgloske <b>"y"</b>, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska</li>]=]
-- participio doble del grupo "proveer" - "proveído" o "provisto"
if (verbo == "proveer") or (verbo == "desproveer") then c.part_doble = C.pref.."isto" end
return c
p.modelos.mover = function (C, _conj, modelo) -- también: "oler"
local aux, auxT = (modelo == "oler") and "hue" or "ue", (modelo == "oler") and "hué" or "ué"
-- t = cuec-, tT = cuéc-, tS = cuez-, tST = cuéz-, t2S = coz-
local t, _t =,
local tT, _tT =,
local tS, _tS =, == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local tST, _tST =, == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local t2S, _t2S = C.pref.."o", C.pref.."o" == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local c, es = p.conjug[2](C), "#es|"
c.modelo = "mover"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = tS.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = tS.."a""a", tS.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t2S.."amos""amos", t2S.."áis""áis", tS.."an""an"
c.p_s_3s, c.imp_2s = c.p_s_1s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tST.."ase""ase", tST.."anse""anse"
c.imp_pron_1p = t2S.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [o], przechodzi ona w '..((modelo == "oler") and 'grupe <b>"hue"</b>' or 'dyftong <b>"ue"</b>')..'</li>'
if (C.suf1 ~= "") then
c.alt = "cocer"
c.notas = c.notas.."<li>"..notas[C.suf1.."_"..C.suf2].."</li>"
return c
p.modelos.mullir = function (C, conj) -- también: "tañer"
-- t = luzc-, tT = lúzc-
local t =
local c, es = p.conjug[conj](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."endo""endo", t.."éndose""éndose"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ó""ó", t.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.notas = '<li>Traci poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloske <b>"i"</b> w koncówce fleksyjnej, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska (*)</li>'
return c
p.modelos["oír"] = function (C)
-- t = oig-, tT = óig, t2 = oy-, tT2 = óy-
local t, _t = C.pref.."oig", C.pref.."o".._i.."ig".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."óig", C.pref.."ó".._i.."ig".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."oy", C.pref.."o".._i.."y".._d
local tT2, _tT2 = C.pref.."óy", C.pref.."ó".._i.."y".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2 = C.pref.."oír", t2.."endo""endo", t2.."éndose""éndose"
c.part, c._part = C.pref.."oído", C.pref.."o".._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s = t.."o""o", t2.."es""es", t2.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_3p = C.pref.."oímos""o".._i.."í".._d.."mos", t2.."en""en"
c.pps_i_1p = c.p_i_1p
c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_2p = C.pref.."oíste""o".._i.."í".._d.."ste", C.pref.."oísteis""o".._i.."í".._d.."steis"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."ó""ó", t2.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."era""era", t2.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."éramos""éramos", t2.."erais""erais", t2.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."ese""ese", t2.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."ésemos""ésemos", t2.."eseis""eseis", t2.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."ere""ere", t2.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."éremos""éremos", t2.."ereis""ereis", t2.."eren""eren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, C.pref.."oíd""o".._i.."í".._d.."d"
c.imp_pron_1p = t.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs = tT2.."ete""ete", C.pref.."oíte""o".._i.."í".._d.."te"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa grupe <b>"ig"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"y"</b> przed samogloska otwarta [e] w <i>presente de indicativo</i> i <i>imperativo (tú)</i></li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, akcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce tworzy rozziew z gloska [o] rdzenia, otrzymujac akcent graficzny (<b>"oí"</b>)</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce przechodzi w spólgloske <b>"y"</b>, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.pedir = function (C, _conj, _modelo, verbo) -- usado por: "erguir"
-- t = sigu-, tT = sígu-, tS = sig-, tST = síg-
local t, _t = C.pref.."i", C.pref.._i.."i"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."í", C.pref.._i.."í"
local tS, _tS = C.pref.."i", C.pref.._i.."i" == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local tST, _tST = C.pref.."í", C.pref.._i.."í" == "") and "" or _i..C.suf2.._d)
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.modelo = "pedir"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."iendo""iendo", t.."iéndose""iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = tS.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ió""ió", t.."ieron""ieron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = tS.."a""a", tS.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = tS.."amos""amos", tS.."áis""áis", tS.."an""an"
c.p_s_3s = c.p_s_1s
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."iera""iera", t.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."iéramos""iéramos", t.."ierais""ierais", t.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."iese""iese", t.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."iésemos""iésemos", t.."ieseis""ieseis", t.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."iere""iere", t.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."iéremos""iéremos", t.."iereis""iereis", t.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tST.."ase""ase", tST.."anse""anse"
c.imp_pron_1p = tS.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], przechodzi ona w samogloske <b>"i"</b></li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest nieakcentowana, rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"i"</b> w 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>,</br><!--
-->we wszystkich czasach <i>modo subjuntivo</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i></li>]=]
if verbo == "rehenchir" then
c.p_i_1s = "rehíncho""reh".._i.."í".._d.."ncho"
c.p_i_2s = "rehínches""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nches"
c.p_i_3s = "rehínche""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nche"
c.p_i_3p = "rehínchen""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nchen"
c.p_s_1s = "rehíncha""reh".._i.."í".._d.."ncha"
c.p_s_2s = "rehínchas""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nchas"
c.p_s_3p = "rehínchan""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nchan"
c.p_s_3s, c.imp_2s = c.p_s_1s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_2s = "rehínchete""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nchete"
c.imp_pron_3s = "rehínchase""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nchanse"
c.imp_pron_3p = "rehínchanse""reh".._i.."í".._d.."nchanse"
c.tild = "descafeinar"
c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Gdy akcent pada na samogloske <b>"i"</b> w niektórych czasach, ta tworzy rozziew z rdzenna gloska [e] i przybiera akcent graficzny (<b>"ehí"</b>)</li>'
if (C.suf1 ~= "") then
if "g" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "elegir"
elseif "gu" == C.suf1 then c.alt = "seguir" end
c.notas = c.notas.."<li>"..notas[C.suf1.."_"..C.suf2].."</li>"
return c
p.modelos.poder = function (C)
-- t = pued-, tT = puéd-, t2 = pud-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ue", C.pref.._i.."ue"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ué", C.pref.._i.."ué"
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."u", C.pref.._i.."u"
local c, tR, es = p.conjug[2](C), "podr", "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t2.."iendo""iendo", t2.."iéndose""iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e".._d, t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = tR.."é""é", tR.."ás""ás", tR.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = tR.."emos""emos", tR.."éis""éis", tR.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3p = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s, c.imp_2s = c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_1p = t2.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [o], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ue"</b></li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest nieakcentowana, rdzenna gloska [o] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"u"</b> w 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>,</br><!--
-->w czasach <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.poner = function (C, _conj, modelo, verbo)
-- t = pong-, tT = póng-, t2 = pus-, t3 = pond-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ong", C.pref.."on".._i.."g".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ong", C.pref.."ón".._i.."g".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."us", C.pref.._i.."us".._d
local t3, _t3 = C.pref.."ondr", C.pref.."on".._i.."d".._d.."r"
local c, tR, es, op = {}, C.pref.."on", "#es|", (modelo == verbo)
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2 = tR.."er", tR.."iendo""iendo", tR.."iéndose""iéndose"
c.part, c._part, c.part_irr = C.pref.."uesto", C.pref.._i.."uest".._d.."o", true
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s = t.."o""o", tR.."es""es", tR.."és""és", tR.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = tR.."emos""emos", tR.."éis""éis", tR.."en""en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e".._d, t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = t3.."é""é", t3.."ás""ás", t3.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = t3.."emos""emos", t3.."éis""éis", t3.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = t3.."ía""ía", t3.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = t3.."íamos""íamos", t3.."íais""íais", t3.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = op and or C.pref.."ón""ón", tR.."é""é", tR.."ed""ed"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_3s = tR.."te""te", tR.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p, c.imp_pron_3p = t.."ámonos""ámonos", tR.."eos""eos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Wszystkie czasowniki tego modelu tworza <i>participio</i> poprzez przemiane grupy <b>"on"</b> rdzenia na <b>"uest"</b></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"g"</b> przed samogloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Grupa <b>"on"</b> rdzenia przybiera forme <b>"us"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple<i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)<i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple<i></li><!--
--><li>Spólgloska <b>"d"</b> zastepuje pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (indicativo)</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci koncówke fleksyjna dla formy 2. os. lp. <i>imperativo (tú)</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.pudrir = function (C)
-- t = podr-
local t, _t = C.pref.."o", C.pref.._i.."o"
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.part, c._part = t.."ido", _t.."ido"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p = t.."imos""imos", t.."ís""ís"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = t.."ía""ía", t.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = t.."íamos""íamos", t.."íais""íais", t.."ían""ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t.."í""í", t.."iste""iste", t.."ió""ió"
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t.."imos""imos", t.."isteis""isteis", t.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s = t.."iré""iré", t.."irás""irás"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = t.."iremos""iremos", t.."iréis""iréis", t.."irán""irán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = t.."iría""iría", t.."irías""irías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = t.."iríamos""iríamos", t.."iríais""iríais", t.."irían""irían"
c.p_i_2vs, c.pi_i_3s, c.f_i_3s = c.p_i_2p, c.pi_i_1s, c.f_i_1s
c.imp_2vs, c.imp_pron_2vs = t.."í""í", t.."íte""íte"
c.notas = '<li>Gdy koncówka fleksyjna zaczyna sie samogloska <b>"i"</b>, gloska [u] rdzenia przechodzi w <b>"o"</b> w trybach <i>indicativo</i> i <i>imperativo</i></li>'
return c
p.modelos.querer = function (C)
-- t = quier-, tT = quiér-, t2 = quis-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ie", C.pref.._i.."ie"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ié", C.pref.._i.."ié"
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."is", C.pref.._i.."is".._d
local c, tR, es = {}, C.pref.."er", "#es|"
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2, c.part = tR.."er", tR.."iendo""iendo", tR.."iéndose""iéndose", tR.."ido"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", tR.."és""és", t.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = tR.."emos""emos", tR.."éis""éis", t.."en""en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e".._d, t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = tR.."ré""ré", tR.."rás""rás", tR.."rá""rá"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = tR.."remos""remos", tR.."réis""réis", tR.."rán""rán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = tR.."ría""ría", tR.."rías""rías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = tR.."ríamos""ríamos", tR.."ríais""ríais", tR.."rían""rían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = tR.."amos""amos", tR.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, tR.."é""é", tR.."ed""ed"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_3s = tT.."ete""ete", tR.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p, c.imp_pron_3p = tR.."ámonos""ámonos", tR.."eos""eos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ie"</b></li><!--
--><li>Grupa <b>"er"</b> rdzenia przybiera forme <b>"is"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple<i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple<i></li><!--
--><li>Traci pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (simple)</i> (*)</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.roer = function (C) -- usado por: "raer"
-- t = roy-, tT = róy-
local t, _t = C.pref..C.vocal.."y", C.pref..C.vocal.._i.."y".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref..C.tilde.."y", C.pref..C.tilde.._i.."y".._d
local c, tR, es = p.conjug[2](C), C.pref..C.vocal, "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t.."endo""endo", t.."éndose""éndose"
c.part, c._part = C.pref..C.vocal.."ído", C.pref..C.vocal.._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_2p = tR.."íste""í".._d.."ste", tR.."ísteis""í".._d.."steis"
c.pps_i_1p = tR.."ímos""í".._d.."mos"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t.."ó""ó", t.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje dodatkowa, koncowa grupe <b>"ig"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, akcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce tworzy rozziew z gloska []=]..C.vocal..[=[] rdzenia, otrzymujac akcent graficzny (<b>"]=]..C.vocal..[=[í"</b>)</li><!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce przechodzi w spólgloske <b>"y"</b>, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.saber = function (C, _conj, modelo) -- también: "caber"
local op = (modelo == "caber")
-- t = sep-, tT = sép-, t2 = sup-
local t, _t = (op and "qu" or C.pref).."ep", op and _i.."quep".._d or C.pref.._i.."ep".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ép", C.pref.._i.."ép".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."up", C.pref.._i.."up".._d
local c, tR, tRT, es = {}, C.pref.."ab", C.pref.."áb", "#es|"
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2, c.part = tR.."er", tR.."iendo""iendo", tR.."iéndose""iéndose", tR.."ido"
c.p_i_1s = op and "quepo""quep".._d.."o" or tR.."sé""é".._d
c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s = tR.."es""es", tR.."és""és", tR.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = tR.."emos""emos", tR.."éis""éis", tR.."en""en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e".._d, t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = tR.."ré""ré", tR.."rás""rás", tR.."rá""rá"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = tR.."remos""remos", tR.."réis""réis", tR.."rán""rán"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = tR.."ría""ría", tR.."rías""rías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = tR.."ríamos""ríamos", tR.."ríais""ríais", tR.."rían""rían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, tR.."é""é", tR.."ed""ed"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_3s = tRT.."ete""ete", tR.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p, c.imp_pron_3p = t.."ámonos""ámonos", tR.."eos""eos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Grupa <b>"ab"</b> rdzenia zanika, a koncówka <b>"o"</b> przybiera forme akcentowanej samogloski <b>"é"</b> w 1. os. lp. <i>presente de indicativo</i></li><!--
--><li>Grupa <b>"ab"</b> rdzenia przybiera forme <b>"up"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (simple)</i> (*)</li><!--
--><li>Grupa <b>"ab"</b> rdzenia przybiera forme <b>"ep"</b> w czasie <i>presente de subjuntivo</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.salir = function (C)
-- t = salg-, tT = sálg-, t2 = saldr-
local t, _t = C.pref.."alg", C.pref.."al".._i.."g".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."álg", C.pref.."ál".._i.."g".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."aldr", C.pref.."al".._i.."d".._d.."r"
local c, tR, es = p.conjug[3](C), C.pref.."al", "#es|"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = t2.."é""é", t2.."ás""ás", t2.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = t2.."emos""emos", t2.."éis""éis", t2.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = t2.."ía""ía", t2.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = t2.."íamos""íamos", t2.."íais""íais", t2.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s = c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_pron_2s = tR, tR.."te"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"g"</b> przed samogloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Spólgloska <b>"d"</b> zastepuje pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (indicativo)</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci koncówke fleksyjna dla formy 2. os. lp. <i>imperativo (tú)</i> (*)</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.sentir = function (C)
-- t = sient-, tT = siént-, t2 = sint-
local t, _t = C.pref.."ie", C.pref.._i.."ie"
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."ié", C.pref.._i.."ié"
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."i", C.pref.._i.."i"
local c, es = p.conjug[3](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = t2.."iendo""iendo", t2.."iéndose""iéndose"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3p = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."ió""ió", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t2.."amos""amos", t2.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s = c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_1p = t2.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], przechodzi ona w dyftong <b>"ie"</b></li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest nieakcentowana, rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"i"</b> w 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>,</br><!--
-->w czasach <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.ser = function (C)
-- t = fu-, t2 = er-, t2T = ér-, t3 = se-
local t, _t = "fu", _i.."fu".._d
local t2, _t2 = "er", _i.."er".._d
local t2T, _t2T = "ér", _i.."ér".._d
local t3, _t3 = "se", "s".._i.."e".._d
local c, tR, es = {}, "ser", "#es|"
c.inf, c.ger, c.part = "ser", "siendo""siendo", "sido"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s = "soy""so".._i.."y".._d, "eres""es", "sos""sos".._d, "es""es".._d
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = "somos""s".._i.."o".._d.."mos", "sois""s".._i.."o".._d.."is", "son""s".._i.."o".._d.."n"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = t2.."a""a", t2.."as""as"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = t2T.."amos""amos", t2.."ais""ais", t2.."an""an"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t.."i""i".._d, t.."iste""iste", t.."e""e".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t.."imos""imos", t.."isteis""isteis", t.."eron""eron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = tR.."é""é", tR.."ás""ás", tR.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = tR.."emos""emos", tR.."éis""éis", tR.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t3.."a""a", t3.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t3.."amos""amos", t3.."áis""áis", t3.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t.."era""era", t.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t.."éramos""éramos", t.."erais""erais", t.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t.."ese""ese", t.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t.."ésemos""ésemos", t.."eseis""eseis", t.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t.."ere""ere", t.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t.."éremos""éremos", t.."ereis""ereis", t.."eren""eren"
c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2p = "sé""s".._i.."é".._d, "sed""sed"
c.imp_2vs = c.imp_2s
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Wszystkie formy <i>presente de indicativo</i> zmienaja rdzen lub otrzymuja nieregularne koncówki fleksyjne</li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w czasie <i>pretérito imperfecto</i>, tracac rdzen i zamieniajac</br><!--
-->charakterystyczna koncówke <b>"ab"</b> grupa liter <b>"er"</b></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje grupe liter <b>"fu"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i>,</br><!--
-->tracac w tych ostatnich poczatkowa samogloske <b>"i"</b> koncówki fleksyjnej</li><!--
--><li>Koncówka fleksyjna 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i> przybiera forme samogloski <b>"e"</b></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa samogloske <b>"e"</b> przed gloska [a] w czasie <i>presente de subjuntivo</i></li><!--
--><li>Zgodnie z regula pisowni nie akcentuje sie wyrazów jednosylabowych</li><!--
--><li>Pomimo ze formy lp. trybu <i>imperativo</i> sa jednosylabowe, otrzymuja akcent graficzny, aby odróznic je od zaimka</br><!--
-->zwrotnego <i>"[[se#es|se]]"</i> ([[tilde diacrítica]])</li>]=]
return c
p.modelos["sonreír"] = function (C, _conj, _modelo, verbo)
-- t = sonrí-, t2 = sonri-
local t, _t = C.pref.."í", C.pref.._i.."í".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."i", C.pref.._i.."i".._d
local c, tR, es = p.conjug[3](C), C.pref.."e", "#es|"
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2 = tR.."ír", t2.."endo""endo", t2.."éndose""éndose"
c.part, c._part = tR.."ído", tR.._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s = t.."o""o", t.."es""es", t.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_3p = tR.."ímos""í".._d.."mos", t.."en""en"
c.pps_i_1p = c.p_i_1p
c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_2p = tR.."íste""í".._d.."ste", tR.."ísteis""í".._d.."steis"
c.pps_i_3s, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."ó""ó", t2.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t2.."amos""amos", t2.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."era""era", t2.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."éramos""éramos", t2.."erais""erais", t2.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."ese""ese", t2.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."ésemos""ésemos", t2.."eseis""eseis", t2.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."ere""ere", t2.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."éremos""éremos", t2.."ereis""ereis", t2.."eren""eren"
c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2p = c.p_i_3s, tR.."íd""í".._d.."d"
c.imp_pron_1p = t2.."ámonos""ámonos"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs = t.."ete""ete", tR.."íte""í".._d.."te"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_3p = t.."ase""ase", t.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, akcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce tworzy rozziew z gloska [e] rdzenia, otrzymujac akcent graficzny (</b>"eí"</b>)</li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest akcentowana, rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"í"</b> z akcentem graficznym, tworzac rozziew z nastepujaca samogloska</br><!--
-->(czasy <i>presente de indicativo</i> i <i>subjuntivo</i> oraz 2. os. lp. <i>imperativo (tú)</i>)</li><!--
--><li>Rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"í"</b> w 3. os. <i>pret. perf. simple</i>, we wszystkich czasach <i>modo subjuntivo</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i> (*).</br><!--
-->Dodatkowo zanika poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce fleksyjnej</li>]=]
-- verbos con formas monosilábicas
if (verbo == "freír") or (verbo == "reír") then
local aux = C.pref.."i"
c.pps_i_3s = aux.."o""o".._d
c.p_s_2p = aux.."ais""a".._d.."is"
c.notas = c.notas..'<li>Zgodnie z regula pisowni nie akcentuje sie wyrazów jednosylabowych: <i>'..aux..'o, '..aux..'ais</i></li>'
-- participio doble del grupo "freír" - "freído" o "frito"
if (verbo == "freír") or (verbo == "refreír") or (verbo == "sofreír") then c.part_doble = C.pref.."ito" end
return c
p.modelos.tener = function (C, _conj, modelo, verbo)
-- t = teng-, tT = téng-, t2 = tuv-, t3 = tendr-, t4 = tien-
local t, _t = C.pref.."eng", C.pref.."en".._i.."g".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."eng", C.pref.."én".._i.."g".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."uv", C.pref.._i.."uv".._d
local t3, _t3 = C.pref.."endr", C.pref.."en".._i.."d".._d.."r"
local t4, _t4 = C.pref.."ien", C.pref.._i.."ie".._d.."n"
local c, tR, es, op = {}, C.pref.."en", "#es|", (modelo == verbo)
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2, c.part = tR.."er", tR.."iendo""iendo", tR.."iéndose""iéndose", tR.."ido"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_2vs, c.p_i_3s = t.."o""o", t4.."es""es", tR.."és""és", t4.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = tR.."emos""emos", tR.."éis""éis", t4.."en""en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e".._d, t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = t3.."é""é", t3.."ás""ás", t3.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = t3.."emos""emos", t3.."éis""éis", t3.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = t3.."ía""ía", t3.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = t3.."íamos""íamos", t3.."íais""íais", t3.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = op and or C.pref.."én""én", tR.."é""é", tR.."ed""ed"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_3s = tR.."te""te", tR.."ete""ete", tT.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p, c.imp_pron_3p = t.."ámonos""ámonos", tR.."eos""eos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"g"</b> przed samogloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Grupa <b>"en"</b> rdzenia przybiera forme <b>"uv"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple<i></li><!--
--><li>Spólgloska <b>"d"</b> zastepuje pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (indicativo)</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci koncówke fleksyjna dla formy 2. os. lp. <i>imperativo (tú)</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.traer = function (C)
-- t = traig-, tT = tráig-, t2 = traj-
local t, _t = C.pref.."aig", C.pref.."a".._i.."ig".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."áig", C.pref.."á".._i.."ig".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."aj", C.pref.."a".._i.."j".._d
local c, es = p.conjug[2](C), "#es|"
c.ger, c.ger2 = C.pref.."ayendo""a".._i.."y".._d.."endo", C.pref.."ayéndose""a".._i.."y".._d.."éndose"
c.part, c._part = C.pref.."aído", C.pref.."a".._i.."í".._d.."do"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e", t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o"
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."eron""eron"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."era""era", t2.."eras""eras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."éramos""éramos", t2.."erais""erais", t2.."eran""eran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."ese""ese", t2.."eses""eses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."ésemos""ésemos", t2.."eseis""eseis", t2.."esen""esen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."ere""ere", t2.."eres""eres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."éremos""éremos", t2.."ereis""ereis", t2.."eren""eren"
c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Poczatkowa, akcentowana samogloska <b>"i"</b> w koncówce tworzy rozziew z gloska [a] rdzenia, otrzymujac akcent graficzny (<b>"aí"</b>)</li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa grupe <b>"ig"</b> przed samogloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i></li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"j"</b> w czasach <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>, <i>pretérito imperfecto (sub.)</i> i <i>futuro (sub.)</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci poczatkowa, nieakcentowana samogloske <b>"i"</b> w koncówce, gdy wystepuje po niej inna samogloska (*). W <i>gerundio<i> koncówka ta</br><!--
-->przybiera forme spólgloski <b>"y"</b></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.valer = function (C)
-- t = valg-, tT = válg-, t2 = valdr-
local t, _t = C.pref.."alg", C.pref.."al".._i.."g".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."álg", C.pref.."ál".._i.."g".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."aldr", C.pref.."al".._i.."d".._d.."r"
local c, tR, es = p.conjug[2](C), C.pref.."al", "#es|"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = t2.."é""é", t2.."ás""ás", t2.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = t2.."emos""emos", t2.."éis""éis", t2.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = t2.."ía""ía", t2.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = t2.."íamos""íamos", t2.."íais""íais", t2.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s = c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"g"</b> przed samogloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Spólgloska <b>"d"</b> zastepuje pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (indicativo)</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.venir = function (C, _conj, modelo, verbo)
-- t = veng-, tT = véng-, t2 = vin-, t3 = vendr-, t4 = vien-
local t, _t = C.pref.."eng", C.pref.."en".._i.."g".._d
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."eng", C.pref.."én".._i.."g".._d
local t2, _t2 = C.pref.."in", C.pref.._i.."i".._d.."n"
local t3, _t3 = C.pref.."endr", C.pref.."en".._i.."d".._d.."r"
local t4, _t4 = C.pref.."ien", C.pref.._i.."ie".._d.."n"
local c, tR, es, op = {}, C.pref.."en", "#es|", (modelo == verbo)
c.inf, c.ger, c.ger2, c.part = tR.."ir", t2.."iendo""iendo", t2.."iéndose""iéndose", tR.."ido"
c.p_i_1s, c.p_i_2s, c.p_i_3s = t.."o""o", t4.."es""es", t4.."e""e"
c.p_i_1p, c.p_i_2p, c.p_i_3p = tR.."imos""imos", tR.."ís""ís", t4.."en""en"
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = tR.."ía""ía", tR.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = tR.."íamos""íamos", tR.."íais""íais", tR.."ían""ían"
c.pps_i_1s, c.pps_i_2s, c.pps_i_3s = t2.."e""e".._d, t2.."iste""iste", t2.."o""o".._d
c.pps_i_1p, c.pps_i_2p, c.pps_i_3p = t2.."imos""imos", t2.."isteis""isteis", t2.."ieron""ieron"
c.f_i_1s, c.f_i_2s, c.f_i_3s = t3.."é""é", t3.."ás""ás", t3.."á""á"
c.f_i_1p, c.f_i_2p, c.f_i_3p = t3.."emos""emos", t3.."éis""éis", t3.."án""án"
c.c_i_1s, c.c_i_2s = t3.."ía""ía", t3.."ías""ías"
c.c_i_1p, c.c_i_2p, c.c_i_3p = t3.."íamos""íamos", t3.."íais""íais", t3.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi1_s_2s = t2.."iera""iera", t2.."ieras""ieras"
c.pi1_s_1p, c.pi1_s_2p, c.pi1_s_3p = t2.."iéramos""iéramos", t2.."ierais""ierais", t2.."ieran""ieran"
c.pi2_s_1s, c.pi2_s_2s = t2.."iese""iese", t2.."ieses""ieses"
c.pi2_s_1p, c.pi2_s_2p, c.pi2_s_3p = t2.."iésemos""iésemos", t2.."ieseis""ieseis", t2.."iesen""iesen"
c.f_s_1s, c.f_s_2s = t2.."iere""iere", t2.."ieres""ieres"
c.f_s_1p, c.f_s_2p, c.f_s_3p = t2.."iéremos""iéremos", t2.."iereis""iereis", t2.."ieren""ieren"
c.p_i_2vs, c.pi_i_3s, c.c_i_3s, c.p_s_3s, c.pi1_s_3s, c.pi2_s_3s, c.f_s_3s = c.p_i_2p, c.pi_i_1s, c.c_i_1s, c.p_s_1s, c.pi1_s_1s, c.pi2_s_1s, c.f_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs, c.imp_2p = op and or C.pref.."én""én", tR.."í""í", tR.."id""id"
c.imp_pron_2s, c.imp_pron_2vs, c.imp_pron_3s = tR.."te""te", tR.."ite""ite", tT.."ase""ase"
c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_2p, c.imp_pron_3p = t.."ámonos""ámonos", tR.."íos""íos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa spólgloske <b>"g"</b> przed samogloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Gdy akcent pada na rdzenna gloske [e], przechodzi ona w samogloske <b>"i"</b> w czasie <i>presente de indicativo<i></li><!--
--><li>Gdy jest nieakcentowana, rdzenna gloska [e] przechodzi w samogloske <b>"i"</b> w 3. os. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple</i>,</br><!--
-->w czasach <i>pretérito imperfecto</i> i <i>futuro de subjuntivo</i> oraz w <i>gerundio</i></li><!--
--><li>Otrzymuje nieakcentowane koncówki fleksyjne pierwszej koniugacji w 1. i 3. os. lp. czasu <i>pretérito perfecto simple<i></li><!--
--><li>Spólgloska <b>"d"</b> zastepuje pierwsza samogloske koncówki fleksyjnej w czasach <i>futuro</i> i <i>condicional (indicativo)</i></li><!--
--><li>Traci koncówke fleksyjna dla formy 2. os. lp. <i>imperativo (tú)</i></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.ver = function (C, _conj, modelo, verbo)
-- tR = prev-, t = preve-, tT = prevé-
local tR =
local t, _t = tR.."e", tR.._i.."e".._d
local tT, _tT = tR.."é", tR.._i.."é".._d
local c, es, op = p.conjug[2](C), "#es|", (modelo == verbo)
c.part, c._part, c.part_irr = tR.."isto", tR.._i.."ist".._d.."o", true
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.p_i_2s = op and "ves""ves" or tR.."és""é".._d.."s"
c.p_i_3s = op and "ve""ve" or tR.."é""é".._d
c.p_i_2p = op and "veis""v".._i.."e".._d.."is" or c.p_i_2p
c.p_i_3p = op and "ven""ven" or tR.."én""é".._d.."n"
c.pps_i_1s = op and "vi""v".._i.."i".._d or c.pps_i_1s
c.pps_i_3s = op and "vio""vi".._i.."o".._d or c.pps_i_3s
c.pi_i_1s, c.pi_i_2s = t.."ía""ía", t.."ías""ías"
c.pi_i_1p, c.pi_i_2p, c.pi_i_3p = t.."íamos""íamos", t.."íais""íais", t.."ían""ían"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."ais""ais", t.."an""an"
c.p_i_2vs, c.pi_i_3s, c.p_s_3s = c.p_i_2s, c.pi_i_1s, c.p_s_1s
c.imp_2s, c.imp_2vs = c.p_i_3s, c.p_i_3s
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Wszystkie czasowniki tego modelu tworza <i>participio</i> poprzez dodanie grupy <b>"ist"</b> do rdzenia</li><!--
--><li>Rdzen otrzymuje koncowa samogloske <b>"e"</b> przed gloskami [a], [o] i grupa <b>"ía"</b> (</i>pretérito imperfecto de indicativo</i>)</li><!--
--><li>Zgodnie z regula pisowni nie akcentuje sie wyrazów jednosylabowych</li></li>]=]
return c
p.modelos.yacer = function (C, _conj, modelo)
if modelo == "yacer" then
return nil, [=[<b>wybierz wzór deklinacyjny:</b>
<ul><li><tt>"model=agradecer"</tt>: <i>]=].._i..C.pref.."azco, "..C.pref.."azca".._d..[=[</i></li>
<li><tt>"model=yacer1"</tt>: <i>]=].._i..C.pref.."azgo, "..C.pref.."azga".._d..[=[</i></li>
<li><tt>"model=yacer2"</tt>: <i>]=].._i..C.pref.."ago, "..C.pref.."aga".._d..[=[</i></li></ul>]=]
local op = (modelo == "yacer1") and true or false
local aux= op and "zg" or "g"
local auxT = _i..aux.._d
-- t = yazc-/yag-, tT = yázc-/yág-
local t, _t = C.pref.."a"..aux, C.pref.."a"..auxT
local tT, _tT = C.pref.."á"..aux, C.pref.."á"..auxT
local c, es = p.conjug[2](C), "#es|"
c.p_i_1s = t.."o""o"
c.p_s_1s, c.p_s_2s, c.p_s_3s = t.."a""a", t.."as""as", t.."a""a"
c.p_s_1p, c.p_s_2p, c.p_s_3p = t.."amos""amos", t.."áis""áis", t.."an""an"
c.p_s_3s, c.imp_2s, c.imp_pron_2s = c.p_s_1s, C.pref.."az""a".._i.."z".._d, C.pref.."azte""a".._i.."z".._d.."te"
c.imp_pron_3s, c.imp_pron_1p, c.imp_pron_3p = tT.."ase""ase", t.."ámonos""ámonos", tT.."anse""anse"
c.notas = [=[<!--
--><li>Rdzen konczy sie spólgloska <b>"c"</b>, która przybiera forme grupy liter <b>"]=]..aux..[=["</b> przed gloskami [a], [o]</li><!--
--><li>Traci koncówke fleksyjna dla formy 2. os. lp. <i>imperativo (tú)</i>, przybierajac koncowa spólgloske <b>"z"</b> zamiast <b>"c"<b></li>]=]
return c
-- modelos equivalentes
-- REGULARES (isoptongos)
p.modelos.adeudar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.anunciar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.averiguar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.bailar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.causar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.coitar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.peinar = p.modelos.reg
-- REGULARES (tíldicos)
p.modelos.actuar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.aislar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.aunar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.descafeinar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.enviar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.prohibir = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.prohijar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.rehusar = p.modelos.reg_tilde
p.modelos.reunir = p.modelos.reg_tilde
-- REGULARES con alternancia para mantener el sonido
p.modelos.cazar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.delinquir = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.desaguar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.dirigir = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.distinguir = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.esparcir = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.pagar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.proteger = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.sacar = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.vencer = p.modelos.reg
p.modelos.caber = p.modelos.saber
p.modelos.discernir = p.modelos.adquirir
p.modelos.entender = p.modelos.adquirir
p.modelos.jugar = p.modelos.contar
p.modelos.lucir = p.modelos.agradecer
p.modelos.oler = p.modelos.mover
p.modelos["tañer"] = p.modelos.mullir
p.modelos.yacer1 = p.modelos.yacer
p.modelos.yacer2 = p.modelos.yacer
-- IRREGULARES con alternancia para mantener el sonido
p.modelos.cocer = p.modelos.mover
p.modelos.colgar = p.modelos.contar
p.modelos.elegir = p.modelos.pedir
p.modelos.empezar = p.modelos.acertar
p.modelos.forzar = p.modelos.contar
p.modelos.regar = p.modelos.acertar
p.modelos.seguir = p.modelos.pedir
p.modelos.volcar = p.modelos.contar
--local test = p.modelos.construir({ pref = "redarg", vocal = "ü" })
--for i, v in pairs(test) do print(i,v) end
-- genera las wikitablas con la conjugación
p.tabla.normal = function (c, esPronominal, conj, modelo, notas, visible, class, participio, alt)
local part, es = participio or c.part, "#es|"
local part2 = part..(c.part_doble and ", "..c.part_doble or "")
local _notas = (c.notas or "")..(notas and "<li>"..notas.."</li>" or "")
local _modelo = c.modelo or modelo
local eimorfo, imorfo = c.eimorfo, c.imorfo
local _conj = ""
for i = 1, conj do _conj = _conj.."I" end
-- si el verbo es eimorfo o imorfo, no indica la alternancia para preservar el sonido
if (eimorfo or imorfo) then alt = nil end
local aux0 = (not visible) and [=[<!--
-->[[Aneks:Jezyk hiszpanski - koniugacja ]=].._conj..[=[|koniugacja ]=].._conj..[=[]]: czasownik <!--
-->]=]..((_modelo == "reg") and "" or "nie")..[=[regularny<!--
-->]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and " ulomny ([[verbo defectivo#es|defectivo]])" or "")..[=[<!--
-->]=]..((_modelo == "reg") and "" or ", model [[Aneks:Jezyk hiszpanski - odmiana czasownika ".._modelo.."|".._modelo.."]]")..[=[<!--
-->]=]..(alt and " z przemiana <b>"..alt.."</b> ([[Aneks:Jezyk hiszpanski - odmiana czasownika "..c.alt.."|"..c.alt.."]])" or "")..[=[<!--
-->]=]..(c.tild and (alt and " i " or " z ").."akcentuacja rozziewu ([[Aneks:Jezyk hiszpanski - odmiana czasownika "..c.tild.."|"..c.tild.."]])" or "")..[=[<!--
-->]=]..(c.dipt and (alt and " i " or " ze ").."stala dwugloska ([[Aneks:Jezyk hiszpanski - odmiana czasownika "..c.dipt.."|"..c.dipt.."]]"..(c.dipt2
and ", [[Aneks:Jezyk hiszpanski - odmiana czasownika "..c.dipt2.."|"..c.dipt2.."]]" or "")..")" or "")..[=[<!--
-->]=]..((participio or c.part_irr or c.part_doble)
and (c.part_doble and ", imieslów bierny podwójny <b>"..c.part.."</b>, <b>"..c.part_doble.."</b>"
or (", imieslow bierny <b>"..(participio or c.part).."</b>"..[=[<!--
-->]=]..(c.part_ipto and ", <i>(Argentyna, Urugwaj)</i> <b>"..c.part_ipto.."</b>" or ""))) or "")..[=[<!--
--><div class="NavFrame collapse-odmiana" style="display:inline">
<div class="NavHead" style="background:transparent; text-align:left; padding-right:55px; display:inline"> </div>
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align: left; display:inline;">]=] or ""
local aux1 = [=[
<table class="]=]..(class or "")..[=[" style="text-align:center; border:none;">]=]..((_notas == "") and "" or [=[
<tr><td colspan="7" style="padding:0;border:none;width:100%">
<table class="wikitable odmiana collapsible collapsed" style="width:100%; margin:0 0 5px 0;">
<tr><th> notas</th></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align:left"><ul>]=].._notas..[=[</ul></td></tr>
<th>[[forma no personal#es|formas no personales]]</th>
<th colspan="2">[[infinitivo#es|infinitivo]]</th>
<th colspan="2">[[gerundio#es|gerundio]]</th>
<th colspan="2">[[participio#es|participio]]</th>
<td colspan="2">]=]..c.inf..(esPronominal and "se" or "")..[=[</td>
<td colspan="2">]=]..(c.no_part and "—" or "[["..(esPronominal and c.ger2 or c.ger).."]]")..[=[</td>
<td colspan="2">]=]..(c.no_part and "—" or "[[" or part).."]]".. (c.part_doble and ", [[""]]" or ""))..[=[</td>
<td colspan="2">]=]..(c.no_part and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[haber#es|haberse]] " or "[[haber#es|haber]] ")..part2)..[=[</td>
<td colspan="2">]=]..(c.no_part and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[haber#es|habiéndose]] " or "[[haber#es|habiendo]] ")..part2)..[=[</td>
<td colspan="2">—</td>
<tr><td colspan="7" style="padding:0; border:none; height:5px; background:#FFFFFF"></td></tr>
<th>[[forma personal#es|formas personales]]</th>
<th colspan="3">[[número singular#es|número singular]]</th>
<th colspan="3">[[número plural#es|número plural]]</th>
local aux2 = [=[
<th style="font-weight:bold">[[modo indicativo#es|modo indicativo]]</th>
<th width="13%">[[yo#es|yo]]</th>
<th" width="13%">]=]..((c.p_i_2s == c.p_i_2vs) and "[[tú#es|tú]], [[vos#es|vos]]" or "[[tú#es|tú]] / [[vos#es|vos]]")..[=[</th>
<th width="13%">[[él#es|él]], [[ella#es|ella]]</br>[[usted#es|usted]]</th>
<th width="13%">[[nosotros#es|nosotros]]</br>[[nosotras#es|nosotras]]</th>
<th width="13%">[[vosotros#es|vosotros]]</br>[[vosotras#es|vosotras]]</th>
<th width="13%">[[ellos#es|ellos]], [[ellas#es|ellas]]</br>[[ustedes#es|ustedes]]</th>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_1s.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(imorfo and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_2s.."]]")..[=[<!--
-->]=]..((c.p_i_2s == c.p_i_2vs) and "" or ("</br>"..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_2vs.."]]"))..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(imorfo and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_3s.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(imorfo and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_i_3p.."]]")..[=[</td>
<th>[[pretérito imperfecto#es|pretérito imperfecto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi_i_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi_i_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi_i_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi_i_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi_i_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi_i_3p..[=[]]</td>
<th>[[pretérito perfecto simple#es|pretérito perfecto simple]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.pps_i_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.pps_i_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pps_i_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.pps_i_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.pps_i_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pps_i_3p..[=[]]</td>
<th>[[futuro simple#es|futuro simple]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_i_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_i_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_i_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_i_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_i_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_i_3p..[=[]]</td>
<th>[[condicional simple#es|condicional simple]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.c_i_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.c_i_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.c_i_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.c_i_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.c_i_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.c_i_3p..[=[]]</td>
local aux3 = c.no_part and "" or [=[
<td colspan="7" style="padding:0;border:none;">
<table class="wikitable ]=]..class..[=[ collapsible collapsed" style="width:100%; margin:5px 0 5px 0;">
<tr><th colspan="7"> [[tiempo compuesto#es|tiempos compuestos]]</th></tr>
<th>[[pretérito perfecto compuesto#es|pretérito perfecto compuesto]]</th>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|he]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|has]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|ha]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hemos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habéis]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|han]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<th>[[pretérito pluscuamperfecto#es|pretérito pluscuamperfecto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|había]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habías]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|había]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habíamos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habíais]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habían]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<th>[[pretérito anterior#es|pretérito anterior]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hube]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiste]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubo]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubimos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubisteis]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieron]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<th>[[futuro compuesto#es|futuro compuesto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habré]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habrás]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habrá]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habremos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habréis]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habrán]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<th>[[condicional compuesto#es|condicional compuesto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habría]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habrías]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habría]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habríamos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habríais]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|habrían]] "..part2..[=[</td>
local aux4 = [=[
<th style="font-weight:bold">[[modo subjuntivo#es|modo subjuntivo]]</th>
<th>[[tú#es|tú]], [[vos#es|vos]]</th>
<th>[[él#es|él]], [[ella#es|ella]]</br>[[usted#es|usted]]</th>
<th>[[ellos#es|ellos]], [[ellas#es|ellas]]</br>[[ustedes#es|ustedes]]</th>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_s_1s.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_s_2s.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_s_3s.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_s_1p.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_s_2p.."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or (esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.p_s_3p.."]]")..[=[</td>
<th rowspan="2">[[pretérito imperfecto#es|pretérito imperfecto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi1_s_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi1_s_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi1_s_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi1_s_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi1_s_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi1_s_3p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi2_s_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi2_s_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi2_s_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi2_s_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi2_s_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.pi2_s_3p..[=[]]</td>
<th>[[futuro simple#es|futuro simple]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_s_1s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_s_2s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_s_3s..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_s_1p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_s_2p..[=[]]</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] [[" or "[[")..c.f_s_3p..[=[]]</td>
local aux5 = c.no_part and "" or [=[
<td colspan="7" style="padding:0;border:none;">
<table class="wikitable ]=]..class..[=[ collapsible collapsed" style="width:100%; margin:5px 0 5px 0;">
<tr><th colspan="7"> [[tiempo compuesto#es|tiempos compuestos]]</th></tr>
<th>[[pretérito perfecto#es|pretérito perfecto]]</th>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|haya]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hayas]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|haya]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hayamos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hayáis]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td width="13%">]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hayan]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<th rowspan="2">[[pretérito pluscuamperfecto#es|pretérito pluscuamperfecto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiera]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieras]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiera]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiéramos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubierais]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieran]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiese]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieses]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiese]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiésemos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieseis]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiesen]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<th style="font-weight:normal">[[futuro compuesto#es|futuro compuesto]]</th>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[me#es|me]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiere]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[te#es|te]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieres]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiere]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[nos#es|nos]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiéremos]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[os#es|os]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubiereis]] "..part2..[=[</td>
<td>]=]..(esPronominal and "[[se#es|se]] " or "").."[[haber#es|hubieren]] "..part2..[=[</td>
local aux6 = [=[
<th style="font-weight:bold">[[modo imperativo#es|modo imperativo]]</th>
<td>]=]..(imorfo and "—" or "[["..(esPronominal and c.imp_pron_2s or c.imp_2s).."]]")..[=[</td>
<td>[[]=]..(esPronominal and c.imp_pron_2vs or c.imp_2vs)..[=[]]</td>
<td><i>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or "[["..(esPronominal and c.imp_pron_3s or c.p_s_3s).."]]")..[=[</i></td>
<td><i>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or "[["..(esPronominal and c.imp_pron_1p or c.p_s_1p).."]]")..[=[</i></td>
<td>[[]=]..(esPronominal and c.imp_pron_2p or c.imp_2p)..[=[]]</td>
<td><i>]=]..((eimorfo or imorfo) and "—" or "[["..(esPronominal and c.imp_pron_3p or c.p_s_3p).."]]")..[=[</i></td>
</table>]=]..(not visible and "</div></div>" or "")
return aux0..aux1..aux2..aux3..aux4..aux5..aux6
p.tabla.impers = function (c, esPronominal)
return "test"
return p