- Test normal
Victor Hugo title
Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899) ( vers 1910 - 1985 )
*WORLDCATch![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gallica Europeana Google |
- Epoque unique pour divers auteurs :
- Le siècle unique convient-il dans tous les cas ?
nom | région | né | mort | mi vie | force époque | siècle unique | catégories et erreurs AVANT modification |
Confucius | china | -551 | -479 | -515 | -6 | ( 551 B.C. - 479 B.C. ) Author of Springs and Autumns Author of Springs and Autumns | |
Tite-Live | other | -59 | 17 | -21 | -1 | ( 59 B.C. - 17 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Aulu-Gelle | other | 120 | 180 | 150 | 2 | ( 120 - 180 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Astérix | century | 400 | 420 | 5 | ( 400 - ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Obélix | century | 500 | 495 | 5 | ( - 500 ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Shantideva | india | 685 | 763 | 724 | 8 | ( 685 - 763 ) Author of classic Indian period Author of classic Indian period | |
Ernest Pinard | other | 1822 | 1909 | 1865 | 19 | ( 1822 - 1909 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century | |
Paul Claudel | other | 1868 | 1955 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1868 - 1955 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century Death in 1955 | |
Claudel Paul | other | 1955 | 1868 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1955 - 1868 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XIXth century Born in 1955 Author death is before birth. Error: death 1868 is before birth 1955. | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1965 | 20 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1678 | 1678 | 17 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 |
- Test tests
- .
{{Wikidata imported }}
{{Arguments | WORLDCATch = Andrea/Mickel
| mode = tests
| VIAF = 34452139
| SWD = 11/224/488
| sortkey = Victor Hugo
| commons = Arthur Rimbaud
| genre = Romanciers/Poètes/Auteurs de théâtre
| ISBN = 123456789
| ARCid = 34-452-139
| ARCitem = Robert/Alain/Paul
| ARC = 34452139
| deathyear = 1985
| description = Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899)
| lastname = Victor Hugo
| c = x:
| options = fr par-ams docavant doc-min docmax docdef docnotice doc-apres docligne
| PND = 11850133X
| wikipedia = Arthur Rimbaud
| LCCN = n/50/23101
| initiale = R
| wikiquote = Arthur Rimbaud
| OCLC = 1b5g6t7e
| NLA = 35096649
| title = Victor Hugo title
| birthLink = du
| BNF = cb11888266r
| birthyear = vers 1910
| SELIBR = 34648
| image = Carjat Arthur Rimbaud 1872 n2.jpg
- User support about parameters:
⦁ Verify the automatic argument: sortkey = Victor Hugo.
⦁ Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation CANTIC
⦁ Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation entityid
⦁ Error: parameter lien is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter pseudo is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter liaison is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter texteDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter incertitudeNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter prénom is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter anneeNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter categorieDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter metier is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter liaisonDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter langues is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: the known argument languages is it the one you need ?
⦁ Error: parameter prix is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: the known argument prize is it the one you need ?
⦁ Error: parameter siecleDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter texte is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter anneeDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter lienNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter incertitudeDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter cle is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter siecleNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter langue is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: the known argument language is it the one you need ?
⦁ Error: parameter texteNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter naissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter lienDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter pays is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter nom is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter prénomGall is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter categorieNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter droits is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter deces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter categorie is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: the known argument Category is it the one you need ?
⦁ Error: parameter border is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ Error: parameter liaisonNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
⦁ The documentation panel is forbidden in space :. Return to normal mode by removing all modes. - Catégories : Module missing i18n translation Module with usage error Born in the XXth century Born in the XXth century Death in 1985 Uncertain year. Authors-R nil Romanciers/Poètes/Auteurs de théâtre Module with usage error Module with error
Victor Hugo title | ||
Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899) ( vers 1910 - 1985 ) | ||

*WORLDCATch![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gallica Europeana Google |
- Epoque unique pour divers auteurs :
- Le siècle unique convient-il dans tous les cas ?
nom | région | né | mort | mi vie | force époque | siècle unique | catégories et erreurs AVANT modification |
Confucius | china | -551 | -479 | -515 | -6 | ( 551 B.C. - 479 B.C. ) Author of Springs and Autumns Author of Springs and Autumns | |
Tite-Live | other | -59 | 17 | -21 | -1 | ( 59 B.C. - 17 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Aulu-Gelle | other | 120 | 180 | 150 | 2 | ( 120 - 180 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Astérix | century | 400 | 420 | 5 | ( 400 - ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Obélix | century | 500 | 495 | 5 | ( - 500 ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Shantideva | india | 685 | 763 | 724 | 8 | ( 685 - 763 ) Author of classic Indian period Author of classic Indian period | |
Ernest Pinard | other | 1822 | 1909 | 1865 | 19 | ( 1822 - 1909 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century | |
Paul Claudel | other | 1868 | 1955 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1868 - 1955 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century Death in 1955 | |
Claudel Paul | other | 1955 | 1868 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1955 - 1868 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XIXth century Born in 1955 Author death is before birth. Error: death 1868 is before birth 1955. | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1965 | 20 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1678 | 1678 | 17 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 |
- .
For other tests, look at Module:ControlArgs.
- Options linked to the mode. Options liées au mode : CA.mode_options = : docdef docview docline docdata tests ,
- Options linked to the page. Options liées à la page : CA.invoke_options =
- Options activated or only tested. Options activées ou seulement testées. : , docdata , nobox , debug , docmin , docmax , docdef , nocat , : , noerr , docline , docolor , docview
- Comptes des tables :
Table i18n : comptes tabs=3, vars=629, funcs=0
Table wiki_translations : comptes tabs=0, vars=221, funcs=0
Table user_translations : comptes tabs=0, vars=221, funcs=0
Table args_known : comptes tabs=96, vars=896, funcs=0
Table args_wikidata : comptes tabs=0, vars=19, funcs=0
Table args_source : comptes tabs=0, vars=68, funcs=0
Table args_unknown : comptes tabs=0, vars=32, funcs=0
Table args_import : comptes tabs=0, vars=29, funcs=0
Table args_final : comptes tabs=0, vars=32, funcs=0
Table errors_list : comptes tabs=40, vars=153, funcs=0
Table categories_list : comptes tabs=36, vars=101, funcs=0
- search_namespace : , mwtitle = Modèle:AuteurLua , baseText = Modèle:AuteurLua , nsText = , url =
- Module namespace : , id828 = 828 , canonicalName828 = Module , name828 = Module , displayName828 = nil
- All namespaces : , = 0 , Talk = 1 , User = 2 , User talk = 3 , Project = 4 , Project talk = 5 , File = 6 , File talk = 7 , MediaWiki = 8 , MediaWiki talk = 9 , Template = 10 , Template talk = 11 , Help = 12 , Help talk = 13 , Category = 14 , Category talk = 15 , Thread = 90 , Thread talk = 91 , Summary = 92 , Summary talk = 93 , Portal = 100 , Portal talk = 101 , Author = 102 , Author talk = 103 , Page = 104 , Page talk = 105 , Index = 106 , Index talk = 107 , Schema = 470 , Schema talk = 471 , TimedText = 710 , TimedText talk = 711 , Module = 828 , Module talk = 829 , Event = 1728 , Event talk = 1729
- Test all know authority notices : *ARCorg
- authorities_select exemple : , sélecteur = 3,VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat
- Sélectionner seulement les 3 premières autorités du sélecteur, parmi celles venant de wikidata.
- Autre exemple : , sélecteur = +
- Sélectionner toutes les notices de wikidata.
- Autre exemple : , sélecteur = BNF,Worldcat,+2,VIAF,3,GKD,LCCN
- Sélectionner les premières, puis 2 de plus parmi les suivantes, puis au maximum 3.
Sélecteur | Wikidata initial | Sélection | Wikidata sélectionné |
3,VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat | GKD, sitelink, label, NLA, | BNF, VIAF, SUDOC, | sitelink, label, |
3,VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat | VIAF, SUDOC, BNF, LCCN, lastname, label, | BNF, VIAF, SUDOC, | VIAF, SUDOC, BNF, lastname, label, |
3,VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat | GKD, sitelink, VIAF, BNF, NLA, initiale, | BNF, VIAF, SUDOC, | sitelink, VIAF, BNF, initiale, |
3,VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat | GKD, SUDOC, BNF, lastname, initiale, | BNF, VIAF, SUDOC, | SUDOC, BNF, lastname, initiale, |
3,VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat | GKD, sitelink, VIAF, xyz, initiale, | BNF, VIAF, SUDOC, | sitelink, VIAF, xyz, initiale, |
+ | GKD, sitelink, VIAF, xyz, initiale, | GKD, VIAF, | GKD, sitelink, VIAF, xyz, initiale, |
- Epoque unique pour divers auteurs :
- Le siècle unique convient-il dans tous les cas ?
nom | région | né | mort | mi vie | force époque | siècle unique | catégories et erreurs AVANT modification |
Confucius | china | -551 | -479 | -515 | -6 | ( 551 B.C. - 479 B.C. ) Author of Springs and Autumns Author of Springs and Autumns | |
Tite-Live | other | -59 | 17 | -21 | -1 | ( 59 B.C. - 17 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Aulu-Gelle | other | 120 | 180 | 150 | 2 | ( 120 - 180 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Astérix | century | 400 | 420 | 5 | ( 400 - ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Obélix | century | 500 | 495 | 5 | ( - 500 ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Shantideva | india | 685 | 763 | 724 | 8 | ( 685 - 763 ) Author of classic Indian period Author of classic Indian period | |
Ernest Pinard | other | 1822 | 1909 | 1865 | 19 | ( 1822 - 1909 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century | |
Paul Claudel | other | 1868 | 1955 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1868 - 1955 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century Death in 1955 | |
Claudel Paul | other | 1955 | 1868 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1955 - 1868 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XIXth century Born in 1955 Author death is before birth. Error: death 1868 is before birth 1955. | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1965 | 20 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1678 | 1678 | 17 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 |
- Content of the CA.args_source table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.args_source, 68 vars: string - c = x: , string - pseudo = Monsieur Legrand , string - NLA = 35096649 , string - liaison = de l' , string - texteDeces = a , string - ARCid = 34-452-139 , string - deathyear = 1985 , string - liaisonNaissance = en , string - langues = chinois,grec , string - prix = Nobel de littérature , string - title = Victor Hugo title , string - occupation = Académiciens/Personnalités politiques , string - lienNaissance = du , string - ISBN = 123456789 , string - incertitudeDeces = après , string - siecleNaissance = 19 , string - OCLC = 1b5g6t7e , string - texteNaissance = a , string - cle = Rimbaud , string - nom = Rimbaud , string - wikiquote = Arthur Rimbaud , string - deces = 1891 , string - siecleDeces = 19 , string - PND = 11850133X , string - errs = , string - lastname = Victor Hugo , string - birthyear = vers 1910 , string - VIAF = 34452139 , string - metier = Académiciens/Personnalités politiques , string - commons = Arthur Rimbaud , string - genre = Romanciers/Poètes/Auteurs de théâtre , string - image = Carjat Arthur Rimbaud 1872 n2.jpg , string - language = français/japonais , string - anneeNaissance = 1802 , string - pays = France/Italie/Grèce , string - categorieDeces = Auteurs , string - wikipedia = Arthur Rimbaud , string - liaisonDeces = en , string - BNF = cb11888266r , string - SELIBR = 34648 , string - anneeDeces = 1885 , string - SWD = 11/224/488 , string - border = 0 , string - initiale = R , string - commonscat = , string - cats = , string - options = fr par-ams docavant doc-min docmax docdef docnotice doc-apres docligne , string - langue = français , string - prize = Nobel de littérature/Pulitzer , string - ARC = 34452139 , string - WORLDCATch = Andrea/Mickel , string - birthLink = du , string - indexpages = Paul Claudel , string - naissance = 1854 , string - lienDeces = du , string - description = Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899) , string - tst =
- author_rights , birthyear = nil , deathyear = 1985 , rights = nil , box = nil , options = nil , err = , string - LCCN = n/50/23101 , string - prénom = Arthur , string - categorieNaissance = Auteurs , string - ARCitem = Robert/Alain/Paul , string - incertitudeNaissance = vers , string - categorie = Auteurs , string - wkt = , string - lien = du , string - texte = vie , string - droits = non , string - prénomGall = Arthur ,
- Table .CA.args_source, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_source, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.args_source table, end: 68 variables, 0 functions, 0 sub-tables.
- Content of the CA.args_unknown table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.args_unknown, 32 vars: string - lien = du , string - pseudo = Monsieur Legrand , string - liaison = de l' , string - texteDeces = a , string - incertitudeNaissance = vers , string - prénom = Arthur , string - anneeNaissance = 1802 , string - categorieDeces = Auteurs , string - metier = Académiciens/Personnalités politiques , string - liaisonDeces = en , string - langues = chinois,grec , string - prix = Nobel de littérature , string - siecleDeces = 19 , string - texte = vie , string - anneeDeces = 1885 , string - lienNaissance = du , string - incertitudeDeces = après , string - cle = Rimbaud , string - siecleNaissance = 19 , string - langue = français , string - texteNaissance = a , string - naissance = 1854 , string - lienDeces = du , string - pays = France/Italie/Grèce , string - nom = Rimbaud , string - prénomGall = Arthur , string - categorieNaissance = Auteurs , string - droits = non , string - deces = 1891 , string - categorie = Auteurs , string - border = 0 , string - liaisonNaissance = en ,
- Table .CA.args_unknown, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_unknown, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.args_unknown table, end: 32 variables, 0 functions, 0 sub-tables.
- Comparer les langues : es/fr,
- Comparer les langues : fr/en,
- There are 3 tables of translations in these languages : es, fr, en,
- roman_number_test.
nombre romain | valeur | erreur |
0 | 0 | valeur nulle. erreur caractere 0 en 1. |
MCXI | 1111 | |
XIJ | 12 | |
XJI | 12 | erreur caractere J avant la fin. |
XIA | 11 | erreur caractere A en 3. |
VLD | 445 | caracteres croissants. |
IXC | 89 | caracteres croissants. |
MMMMCMXCIX | 4999 | |
MMMMM | 5000 | valeur > 4999. |
MMMMMYJXC | 5089 | valeur > 4999. caracteres croissants. erreur caractere Y en 6. erreur caractere J avant la fin. |
- China ( antiquity -770 springs -220 empires 1912 century ) (Authors write from 20 years.)
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Catégories et erreurs |
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | China ( antiquity -770 springs -220 empires 1912 century ) (Authors write from 20 years.) |
birth | china | -792 | -792 | -792 | -772 | Author of Chinese antiquity | |||
birth | china | -791 | -791 | -791 | -771 | Author of Chinese antiquity | |||
birth | china | -790 | -790 | -790 | -770 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||
birth | china | -789 | -789 | -789 | -769 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||
birth | china | -788 | -788 | -788 | -768 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||
birth | china | -241 | -241 | -241 | -221 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||
birth | china | -240 | -240 | -240 | -220 | Author of Chinese empires | |||
birth | china | -239 | -239 | -239 | -219 | Author of Chinese empires | |||
birth | china | -238 | -238 | -238 | -218 | Author of Chinese empires | |||
birth | china | 1891 | 1891 | 1891 | 1911 | Author of Chinese empires | |||
birth | china | 1892 | 1892 | 1892 | 1912 | Born in the XXth century | |||
birth | china | 1980 | 1980 | 1980 | 2000 | Born in the XXth century | |||
birth | china | 1981 | 1981 | 1981 | 2001 | Born in the XXIth century | |||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | India ( antiquity 300 301 classic 1000 1001 middle_age 1600 1601 modern ) (Authors write from 20 years.) |
birth | india | 180 | 180 | 180 | 200 | Author of Indian antiquity | |||
birth | india | 280 | 280 | 280 | 300 | Author of Indian antiquity | |||
birth | india | 281 | 281 | 281 | 301 | Author of classic Indian period | |||
birth | india | 980 | 980 | 980 | 1000 | Author of classic Indian period | |||
birth | india | 981 | 981 | 981 | 1001 | Author of classic Indian Middle Age | |||
birth | india | 1580 | 1580 | 1580 | 1600 | Author of classic Indian Middle Age | |||
birth | india | 1581 | 1581 | 1581 | 1601 | Born in the XVIIth century | |||
birth | india | 1680 | 1680 | 1680 | 1700 | Born in the XVIIth century | |||
birth | india | 1681 | 1681 | 1681 | 1701 | Born in the XVIIIth century | |||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Other ( antiquity 500 middle_age 1400 century ) (Authors write from 20 years.) |
birth | other | -1000 | -1000 | -1000 | -980 | Author of antiquity | |||
birth | other | 480 | 480 | 480 | 500 | Author of antiquity | |||
birth | other | 481 | 481 | 481 | 501 | Author of Middle Ages | |||
birth | other | 1380 | 1380 | 1380 | 1400 | Author of Middle Ages | |||
birth | other | 1381 | 1381 | 1381 | 1401 | Born in the XVth century | |||
birth | other | 1480 | 1480 | 1480 | 1500 | Born in the XVth century | |||
birth | other | 1481 | 1481 | 1481 | 1501 | Born in the XVIth century | |||
birth | other | 1580 | 1580 | 1580 | 1600 | Born in the XVIth century | |||
birth | other | 1581 | 1581 | 1581 | 1601 | Born in the XVIIth century | |||
birth | other | 1880 | 1880 | 1880 | 1900 | Born in the XIXth century | |||
birth | other | 1881 | 1881 | 1881 | 1901 | Born in the XXth century | |||
birth | other | 1980 | 1980 | 1980 | 2000 | Born in the XXth century | |||
birth | other | 1981 | 1981 | 1981 | 2001 | Born in the XXIth century | |||
birth | other | 2080 | 2080 | 2080 | 2100 | Born in the XXIth century | |||
birth | other | 2081 | 2081 | 2081 | 2101 | Born in the XXIIth century | |||
death | other | 2005 | 2005 | 2005 | 2000 | Born in the XXth century | |||
death | other | 2006 | 2006 | 2006 | 2001 | Born in the XXIth century | |||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Century to epoch China ( antiquity -770 springs -220 empires 1912 century ). |
birth | china | -9 | -9 | Author of Chinese antiquity | |||||
birth | china | -8 | -8 | Author of Chinese antiquity | |||||
birth | china | -7 | -7 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||||
birth | china | -3 | -3 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||||
birth | china | -2 | -2 | Author of Springs and Autumns | |||||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Century to epoch Other ( antiquity 500 middle_age 1400 century ). |
birth | other | 4 | 4 | Author of antiquity | |||||
birth | other | 5 | 5 | Author of antiquity | |||||
birth | other | 6 | 6 | Author of Middle Ages | |||||
birth | other | 13 | 13 | Author of Middle Ages | |||||
birth | other | 14 | 14 | Author of Middle Ages | |||||
birth | other | 15 | 15 | Born in the XVth century | |||||
birth | other | 16 | 16 | Born in the XVIth century | |||||
birth | other | 19 | 19 | Born in the XIXth century | |||||
birth | other | 20 | 20 | Born in the XXth century | |||||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Region century always force centuries (Authors write from 20 years.) |
birth | century | -221 | -221 | -221 | -201 | Born in the -IIIth century B.C. | |||
birth | century | -220 | -220 | -220 | -200 | Born in the -IIIth century B.C. | |||
birth | century | -21 | -21 | -21 | -1 | Born in the -Ith century B.C. | |||
birth | century | -20 | -20 | -20 | 0 | ||||
birth | century | -19 | -19 | -19 | 1 | Born in the Ith century | |||
birth | century | 180 | 180 | 180 | 200 | Born in the IIth century | |||
birth | century | 181 | 181 | 181 | 201 | Born in the IIIth century | |||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Year or century ? roman centuries from -75 to +25, else years. |
birth | century | -CXI | -111 | -111 | Born in the -Ith century B.C. ⦁ Ambiguity: the year -CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | ||||
death | century | -CXI | -111 | -111 | Born in the -IIth century B.C. ⦁ Ambiguity: the year -CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | ||||
birth | century | -CXI | -111 | -111 | -91 | Born in the -Ith century B.C. ⦁ Ambiguity: the year -CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | |||
death | century | -CXI | -111 | -111 | -116 | Born in the -IIth century B.C. ⦁ Ambiguity: the year -CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | |||
birth | century | -LXXVI | -76 | -76 | Born in the -Ith century B.C. ⦁ Ambiguity: the year -LXXVI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | ||||
birth | century | -LXXV | -75 | Born in the -LXXVth century B.C. | |||||
birth | century | XXV | 25 | Born in the XXVth century | |||||
birth | century | XXVI | 26 | 26 | Born in the Ith century ⦁ Ambiguity: the year XXVI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | ||||
birth | century | CXI | 111 | 111 | 131 | Born in the IIth century ⦁ Ambiguity: the year CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | |||
death | century | CXI | 111 | 111 | 106 | Born in the IIth century ⦁ Ambiguity: the year CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | |||
birth | century | CXI | 111 | 111 | Born in the IIth century ⦁ Ambiguity: the year CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | ||||
death | century | CXI | 111 | 111 | Born in the IIth century ⦁ Ambiguity: the year CXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | ||||
event | region | birth year | birth century | death year | death century | year | nbr out | epoch year | Uncertain |
birth | other | vers -1357 | -1357 | -1357 | -1337 | Author of antiquity | |||
birth | other | vers MCXI | 1111 | 1111 | 1131 | Author of Middle Ages ⦁ Ambiguity: the year vers MCXI is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? | |||
birth | other | vers 1357 ou MCCCLIX | ... | ⦁ Error: In parameter birthyear, enter a single number between -5000 and now. | |||||
birth | other | deux dates de naissance | ... | ||||||
birth | other | avant le X siècle | 10 | Author of Middle Ages | |||||
birth | other | avant le X siècle | 10 | Author of Middle Ages | |||||
death | other | avant le X siècle | 10 | Author of Middle Ages | |||||
death | other | avant le X siècle | 10 | Author of Middle Ages |
region | naissance | décès | catégories et erreurs |
region | naissance | décès | Durée de vie normale |
other | -519 | -400 | ( 519 B.C. - 400 B.C. ), Author of antiquity Author of antiquity , |
other | -33 | 33 | ( 33 B.C. - 33 ), Author of antiquity Author of antiquity , |
other | 82 | ( 82 - ), Author of antiquity , | |
other | 419 | ( - 419 ), Author of antiquity , | |
other | 400 | 519 | ( 400 - 519 ), Author of antiquity Author of Middle Ages , |
region | naissance | décès | Exemples d'époques en Inde |
india | -1958 | -1834 | ( 1958 B.C. - 1834 B.C. ), Author of Indian antiquity Author of Indian antiquity Life of author is too long , Life is too long from -1957 to -1833. |
india | 1700 | 1777 | ( 1700 - 1777 ), Born in the XVIIIth century Born in the XVIIIth century , |
region | naissance | décès | Durée de vie anormale |
india | -1758 | -1834 | ( 1758 B.C. - 1834 B.C. ), Author of Indian antiquity Author of Indian antiquity Author death is before birth. , Error: death -1834 is before birth -1758. |
india | 1700 | 1677 | ( 1700 - 1677 ), Born in the XVIIIth century Born in the XVIIth century Author death is before birth. , Error: death 1677 is before birth 1700. |
region | naissance | décès | Durée de vie > 120 ans de la naissance au décès |
other | -520 | 400 | ( 520 B.C. - 400 ), Author of antiquity Author of antiquity Life of author is too long , Life is too long from -519 to 400. |
other | -20 | 100 | ( 20 B.C. - 100 ), Author of antiquity Author of antiquity , |
other | 400 | 520 | ( 400 - 520 ), Author of antiquity Author of Middle Ages , |
other | 400 | ( 400 - ), Author of antiquity , | |
other | 400 | ( 400 - ), Author of antiquity , | |
other | 555 | ( - 555 ), Author of Middle Ages , | |
region | naissance | décès | Autres cas : pas d'époque |
other | ( - ), Unknown epoch , | ||
region | naissance | décès | Autres cas : année ou siècle en nombre romain |
other | avant 1885 | ( - avant 1885 ), Born in the XIXth century Uncertain year. , | |
other | 1768 | ( 1768 - ), Born in the XVIIIth century , | |
other | après CDLVII | 585 | ( après CDLVII - 585 ), Author of antiquity Author of Middle Ages Uncertain year. Life of author is too long , Life is too long from 457 to 585. ⦁ Ambiguity: the year après CDLVII is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? ⦁ Error in roman number in argument CDLVII = 457 ; caracteres croissants. birth. |
- Siècle d'un auteur. Author's century : :
- Le siècle unique convient-il dans tous les cas ?
nom | région | né | mort | mi vie | force époque | siècle unique | catégories et erreurs AVANT modification |
Confucius | china | -551 | -479 | -515 | -6 | ( 551 B.C. - 479 B.C. ) Author of Springs and Autumns Author of Springs and Autumns | |
Tite-Live | other | -59 | 17 | -21 | -1 | ( 59 B.C. - 17 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Aulu-Gelle | other | 120 | 180 | 150 | 2 | ( 120 - 180 ) Author of antiquity Author of antiquity | |
Astérix | century | 400 | 420 | 5 | ( 400 - ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Obélix | century | 500 | 495 | 5 | ( - 500 ) Born in the Vth century | ||
Shantideva | india | 685 | 763 | 724 | 8 | ( 685 - 763 ) Author of classic Indian period Author of classic Indian period | |
Ernest Pinard | other | 1822 | 1909 | 1865 | 19 | ( 1822 - 1909 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century | |
Paul Claudel | other | 1868 | 1955 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1868 - 1955 ) Born in the XIXth century Born in the XXth century Death in 1955 | |
Claudel Paul | other | 1955 | 1868 | 1911 | 20 | ( 1955 - 1868 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XIXth century Born in 1955 Author death is before birth. Error: death 1868 is before birth 1955. | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1965 | 20 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 | |
Nelson Mandela | other | 1918 | 2013 | 1678 | 1678 | 17 | ( 1918 - 2013 ) Born in the XXth century Born in the XXIth century Death in 2013 |
- Content of the CA.args_known table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.args_known, 0 vars:
- Table .CA.args_known, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known, 96 tables: ARCorg, c, birthcentury, death_text, WORLDCAT, rights, ARCid, deathyear, debug, WORLDCATbook, title, sex, IBL, ISNI, ISBN, ARCitem, mode, GKD_V1, CANTIC, GND, WORLDCATch, VIAF, galliname, wikiquote, indexpages, SWD, SUDOC, pseudonym, OL, ULAN, lastname, PND, birthyear, sitelink, description, 1, OLbook, commons, genre, notices, OCLC, image, IA, NLA, languages, NKC, language, ISFDBtitle, GKD, NDL, options, region, familyname, epoch, LT, ARCsub, birth_text, ISFDBpub, ISFDBid, death, BNF, ISFDB, SELIBR, deathcentury, firstname, DNB, IBLbook, label, catspace, WORLDCATid, IBLid, initiale, commonscat, ARCgeo, birthuncertain, category, limit_cat_birth_death, ARC, death_link2, wikipedia, death_link, nationality, birth_link, death_type, birth_type, LCCN, namespace, entityid, IMDb, birth_link2, prize, sortkey, occupation, deathuncertain, ARCHIVE, birth,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCorg, 12 vars: string - not_type = Org , string - base_id = ARCorg , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ARCorg ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCorg, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCorg, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.c, 8 vars: string - keyword = c , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 1 , string - src = args , string - typ = opt , number - need = 0 , string - val = x: ,
- Table .CA.args_known.c, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.c, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthcentury, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = birthcentury ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birthcentury, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthcentury, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_text, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = death_text ,
- Table .CA.args_known.death_text, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_text, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCAT, 12 vars: string - not_type = , string - base_id = WORLDCAT , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 35096649 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = WorldCat , string - base_base = WORLDCAT , string - not_link = , string - keyword = WORLDCAT ,
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCAT, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCAT, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.rights, 8 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , string - key_values = 70/50/mpf/none , number - list = 1 , string - arg_values = region_values , string - typ = dat , string - keyword = rights , number - need = 0 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.rights, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.rights, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCid, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ARCid , string - keyword = ARCid , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = R457-J-44 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - val = 34-452-139 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCid, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCid, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathyear, 8 vars: string - keyword = deathyear , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 2 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = 1985 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.deathyear, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathyear, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.debug, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 1 , string - typ = opt , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = debug ,
- Table .CA.args_known.debug, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.debug, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATbook, 12 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = WORLDCATbook , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 2707305499 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = WorldCat , string - base_base = WORLDCAT , string - not_link = , string - keyword = WORLDCATbook ,
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATbook, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATbook, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.title, 8 vars: string - keyword = title , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 9 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 2 , string - val = Victor Hugo title ,
- Table .CA.args_known.title, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.title, 0 tables:
- Table, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = sex ,
- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.IBL, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = IBL , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Book List , string - base_base = IBL , string - not_link = , string - keyword = IBL ,
- Table .CA.args_known.IBL, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.IBL, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISNI, 13 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ISNI , string - trk = n= , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 213 , string - base_test = 0000 0001 2144 7715 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = International Standard Name Identifier , string - base_base = ISNI , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ISNI ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ISNI, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISNI, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISBN, 13 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = ISBN , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = ISBN , string - base_test = 2-7073-0549-9 , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = International Standard Book Number , string - base_base = ISBN , string - src = args , string - val = 123456789 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ISBN, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISBN, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCitem, 14 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = ARCitem , string - keyword = ARCitem , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - val = Robert/Alain/Paul ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCitem, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCitem, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.mode, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = s= , number - list = 1 , string - typ = prg , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = mode ,
- Table .CA.args_known.mode, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.mode, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.GKD_V1, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = GKD-V1 , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 71yhjey852 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Bibliothèque nationale allemande , string - base_base = GKD , string - not_link = , string - keyword = GKD_V1 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.GKD_V1, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.GKD_V1, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.CANTIC, 13 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = CANTIC , string - trk = n= , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 1273 , string - base_test = 12972/259446 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = CANTIC , string - base_base = CANTIC , string - not_link = , string - keyword = CANTIC ,
- Table .CA.args_known.CANTIC, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.CANTIC, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.GND, 13 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = GND , string - trk = n= , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 227 , string - base_test = 118730541 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = GND , string - base_base = GND , string - not_link = , string - keyword = GND ,
- Table .CA.args_known.GND, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.GND, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATch, 14 vars: string - not_type = , string - base_id = WORLDCATch , string - keyword = WORLDCATch , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 35096649 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = WorldCat , string - base_base = WORLDCAT , string - not_link = , string - val = Andrea/Mickel ,
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATch, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATch, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.VIAF, 15 vars: string - keyword = VIAF , string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = VIAF , string - trk = n= ac , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 214 , string - base_test = 34452139 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Fichier d'autorité international virtuel , string - base_base = VIAF , string - not_link = , string - val = 34452139 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.VIAF, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.VIAF, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.galliname, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = galliname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.galliname, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.galliname, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.wikiquote, 8 vars: string - keyword = wikiquote , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 4 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = Arthur Rimbaud ,
- Table .CA.args_known.wikiquote, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.wikiquote, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.indexpages, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 4 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = indexpages ,
- Table .CA.args_known.indexpages, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.indexpages, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.SWD, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = SWD , string - keyword = SWD , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Schlagwortnormdatei , string - base_base = SWD , string - not_link = , string - val = 11/224/488 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.SWD, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.SWD, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.SUDOC, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = SUDOC , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Système universitaire de documentation , string - base_base = SUDOC , string - not_link = , string - keyword = SUDOC ,
- Table .CA.args_known.SUDOC, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.SUDOC, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.pseudonym, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = ctr , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = pseudonym ,
- Table .CA.args_known.pseudonym, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.pseudonym, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.OL, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = OL , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Open Library , string - base_base = OL , string - not_link = , string - keyword = OL ,
- Table .CA.args_known.OL, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.OL, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ULAN, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ULAN , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 500198443 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Union List of Artist Names , string - base_base = ULAN , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ULAN ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ULAN, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ULAN, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname, 9 vars: string - trk = n= ac , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = label , string - src = args , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = lastname , number - found = 1 , string - val = Victor Hugo ,
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.lastname, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.PND, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = PND , string - keyword = PND , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 11850133X , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Personennamendatei , string - base_base = PND , string - not_link = , string - val = 11850133X ,
- Table .CA.args_known.PND, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.PND, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthyear, 8 vars: string - keyword = birthyear , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 2 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = vers 1910 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birthyear, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthyear, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.sitelink, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = sitelink , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = sitelink ,
- Table .CA.args_known.sitelink, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.sitelink, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.description, 8 vars: string - keyword = description , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 1 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899) ,
- Table .CA.args_known.description, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.description, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.1, 7 vars: string - trk = n , number - found = 0 , number - syn = 1 , number - list = 1 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = mode ,
- Table .CA.args_known.1, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.1, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.OLbook, 12 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = OLbook , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 2707305499 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Open Library , string - base_base = OL , string - not_link = , string - keyword = OLbook ,
- Table .CA.args_known.OLbook, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.OLbook, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.commons, 8 vars: string - keyword = commons , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 4 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = Arthur Rimbaud ,
- Table .CA.args_known.commons, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.commons, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.genre, 8 vars: string - keyword = genre , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 3 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = Romanciers/Poètes/Auteurs de théâtre ,
- Table .CA.args_known.genre, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.genre, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.notices, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n=i , number - list = 4 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = notices ,
- Table .CA.args_known.notices, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.notices, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.OCLC, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = OCLC , string - keyword = OCLC , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Online Computer Library Center , string - base_base = OCLC , string - not_link = , string - val = 1b5g6t7e ,
- Table .CA.args_known.OCLC, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.OCLC, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.image, 9 vars: string - trk = n= ac , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 18 , string - src = args , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = image , number - found = 1 , string - val = Carjat Arthur Rimbaud 1872 n2.jpg ,
- Table .CA.args_known.image, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.image, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.IA, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = IA , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Archive , string - base_base = IA , string - not_link = , string - keyword = IA ,
- Table .CA.args_known.IA, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.IA, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.NLA, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = NLA , string - keyword = NLA , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 35096649 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Online Computer Library Center , string - base_base = NLA , string - not_link = , string - val = 35096649 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.NLA, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.NLA, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.languages, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = languages , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 1412 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.languages, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.languages, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.NKC, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = NKC , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 691 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.NKC, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.NKC, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.language, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = language , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 103 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.language, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.language, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBtitle, 12 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = ISFDBtitle , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Speculative Fiction Database , string - base_base = ISFDB , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ISFDBtitle ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBtitle, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBtitle, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.GKD, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = GKD , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 71yhjey852 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Bibliothèque nationale allemande , string - base_base = GKD , string - not_link = , string - keyword = GKD ,
- Table .CA.args_known.GKD, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.GKD, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.NDL, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = NDL , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 349 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.NDL, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.NDL, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.options, 8 vars: string - keyword = options , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 1 , string - src = args , string - typ = opt , number - need = 0 , string - val = fr par-ams docavant doc-min docmax docdef docnotice doc-apres docligne ,
- Table .CA.args_known.options, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.options, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.region, 8 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , string - key_values = other/china/india/century , number - list = 2 , string - arg_values = region_values , string - typ = dat , string - keyword = region , number - need = 0 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.region, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.region, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.familyname, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = familyname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.familyname, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.familyname, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.epoch, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = epoch ,
- Table .CA.args_known.epoch, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.epoch, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.LT, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = LT , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Library Thing , string - base_base = LT , string - not_link = , string - keyword = LT ,
- Table .CA.args_known.LT, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.LT, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCsub, 12 vars: string - not_type = Subject , string - base_id = ARCsub , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ARCsub ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCsub, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCsub, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_text, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = birth_text ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_text, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_text, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBpub, 12 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = ISFDBpub , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Speculative Fiction Database , string - base_base = ISFDB , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ISFDBpub ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBpub, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBpub, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBid, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ISFDBid , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Speculative Fiction Database , string - base_base = ISFDB , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ISFDBid ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBid, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDBid, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.death, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 1 , string - keyword = death , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 570 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.death, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.death, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.BNF, 15 vars: string - keyword = BNF , string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = BNF , string - trk = n= ac , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 268 , string - base_test = 119067514 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Bibliothèque nationale de France , string - base_base = BNF , string - not_link = , string - val = cb11888266r ,
- Table .CA.args_known.BNF, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.BNF, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDB, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ISFDB , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Speculative Fiction Database , string - base_base = ISFDB , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ISFDB ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDB, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ISFDB, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.SELIBR, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = SELIBR , string - keyword = SELIBR , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 74042 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Bibliothèque royale (Suède) , string - base_base = SELIBR , string - not_link = , string - val = 34648 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.SELIBR, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.SELIBR, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathcentury, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = deathcentury ,
- Table .CA.args_known.deathcentury, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathcentury, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 2 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = firstname ,
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.firstname, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.DNB, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = DNB , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 3684200072 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Bibliothèque nationale allemande , string - base_base = DNB , string - not_link = , string - keyword = DNB ,
- Table .CA.args_known.DNB, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.DNB, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.IBLbook, 12 vars: string - not_type = Book , string - base_id = IBLbook , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Book List , string - base_base = IBL , string - not_link = , string - keyword = IBLbook ,
- Table .CA.args_known.IBLbook, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.IBLbook, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.label, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 2 , string - keyword = label , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = label ,
- Table .CA.args_known.label, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.label, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.catspace, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = prg , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = catspace ,
- Table .CA.args_known.catspace, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.catspace, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATid, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = WORLDCATid , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = lccn-n50-23101 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = WorldCat , string - base_base = WORLDCAT , string - not_link = , string - keyword = WORLDCATid ,
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATid, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.WORLDCATid, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.IBLid, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = IBLid , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 37581257954 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Book List , string - base_base = IBL , string - not_link = , string - keyword = IBLid ,
- Table .CA.args_known.IBLid, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.IBLid, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.initiale, 8 vars: string - keyword = initiale , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 2 , string - src = args , string - typ = prg , number - need = 2 , string - val = R ,
- Table .CA.args_known.initiale, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.initiale, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.commonscat, 8 vars: string - keyword = commonscat , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 3 , string - src = args , string - typ = ctr , number - need = 0 , string - val = ,
- Table .CA.args_known.commonscat, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.commonscat, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCgeo, 12 vars: string - not_type = Geo , string - base_id = ARCgeo , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ARC ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCgeo, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCgeo, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthuncertain, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 3 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = birthuncertain ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birthuncertain, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birthuncertain, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.category, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 3 , string - typ = ctr , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = category ,
- Table .CA.args_known.category, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.category, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.limit_cat_birth_death, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 9 , string - keyword = catspace , string - typ = prg , number - need = 0 , string - val = 100 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.limit_cat_birth_death, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.limit_cat_birth_death, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARC, 14 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ARC , string - keyword = ARC , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= ac , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - val = 34452139 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARC, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARC, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_link2, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = death_link2 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.death_link2, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_link2, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.wikipedia, 8 vars: string - keyword = wikipedia , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 4 , string - src = args , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - val = Arthur Rimbaud ,
- Table .CA.args_known.wikipedia, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.wikipedia, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_link, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = death_link ,
- Table .CA.args_known.death_link, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_link, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.nationality, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = nationality , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 27 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.nationality, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.nationality, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_link, 8 vars: string - keyword = birth_link , number - found = 1 , string - trk = n= ac , number - list = 9 , string - src = args , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - val = du ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_link, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_link, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_type, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = death_type ,
- Table .CA.args_known.death_type, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.death_type, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_type, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = birth_type ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_type, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_type, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.LCCN, 15 vars: string - keyword = LCCN , string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = LCCN , string - trk = n= ac , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 244 , string - base_test = n82212654 , number - found = 1 , string - src = args , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Numéro de contrôle de la Bibliothèque du Congrès , string - base_base = LCCN , string - not_link = , string - val = n/50/23101 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.LCCN, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.LCCN, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.namespace, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 4 , string - typ = ctr , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = namespace ,
- Table .CA.args_known.namespace, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.namespace, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.entityid, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 4 , string - keyword = entityid , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = entityid ,
- Table .CA.args_known.entityid, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.entityid, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.IMDb, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = IMDb , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 0002776 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = Internet Movie Data base , string - base_base = IMDb , string - not_link = , string - keyword = IMDb ,
- Table .CA.args_known.IMDb, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.IMDb, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_link2, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 9 , string - typ = oldargs , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = birth_link2 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_link2, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth_link2, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.prize, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 4 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = prize ,
- Table .CA.args_known.prize, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.prize, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.sortkey, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n=i , number - list = 9 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 2 , string - keyword = sortkey ,
- Table .CA.args_known.sortkey, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.sortkey, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.occupation, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - keyword = occupation , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 106 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.occupation, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.occupation, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathuncertain, 6 vars: number - found = 0 , string - trk = n= , number - list = 3 , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - keyword = deathuncertain ,
- Table .CA.args_known.deathuncertain, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.deathuncertain, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCHIVE, 12 vars: string - not_type = Author , string - base_id = ARCHIVE , string - typ = not , number - need = 0 , string - trk = n= , string - base_test = 1234 , number - found = 0 , number - list = 3 , string - base_name = National Archives and Records Administration , string - base_base = ARC , string - not_link = , string - keyword = ARCHIVE ,
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCHIVE, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.ARCHIVE, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth, 7 vars: string - trk = n= , number - found = 0 , number - list = 1 , string - keyword = birth , string - typ = dat , number - need = 0 , string - prop = 569 ,
- Table .CA.args_known.birth, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.args_known.birth, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.args_known table, end: 896 variables, 0 functions, 96 sub-tables.
- Content of the CA.i18n table, begin: ( , levelmaxi = 99 , max_n = 9999 , exclude1 = , exclude2 = , exclude3 = )
- Table .CA.i18n, 0 vars:
- Table .CA.i18n, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.i18n, 3 tables: es, fr, en,
- Table, 187 vars: string - 1 = 1 , string - authorities_selector = VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat,6,NLA,PND,GKD,ARC , string - authors_deathyear = Muerte en %1 , string - languages_nbr_and_list =
- Hay %1 mesas de traducciones en estas idiomas: %2
, string - birthcentury = siglo de nacimiento , string - DNB = DNB , string - WORLDCAT = WORLDCAT , string - date_to_part_call_cat = Módulo con error interno , string - rights = derechos , string - err_no_known_arguments = Módulo sin argumentos tabla conocida. , string - deathyear = año de la muerte , string - birth_type = nacimientoTipo , string - rights_values_box_50 = - , string - err_unknown_epoch_cat = Desconocido período , string - rights_values_cat_mpf = Autores que murieron por Francia , string - year_BCE = %1 a. C. , string - deathcentury = siglo de la muerte , string - sex = sexo , string - err_nearest_argument = Error: la %1 argumento conocido es el que necesita? , string - err_module_miss_i18n_cat = Módulo faltante traducción i18n , string - cat_group_languages = Autores que escriben en %1 , string - cat_epoch_antiquity = Autor de la antigüedad , string - ARCitem = ARCitem , string - mode = modo , string - author_scans_text = Escanea y autoridades , string - GKD_V1 = GKD_V1 , string - rights_values = 70/50/mpf/nada , string - GND = GND , string - date_to_part_format = dd mmmm yyyy , string - entityid_txt = Estructurado Datos , string - PND = PND , string - LCCNid = LCCNid , string - lastname = nombre , string - err_notices_properties = Error interno: Un registro de autoridad no está definido: %1. , string - WORLDCATch = WORLDCATch , string - cat_usage_error = Módulo con error del uso , string - date_to_part_call_err = Error interno: Argumentos de llamadas anormales en la fecha %1, %2. , string - genre = tipo , string - IA = IA , string - century_BCE = %1 siglo a. C. , string - occupation_cat = %1 , string - language = lengua , string - ISFDBtitle = ISFDBtitle , string - 1 = 1 , string - death_link = enlaceMuerto , string - familyname = primernombre , string - epoch = epoch , string - list_limit_maxn = Limite de la estructura maxn=%1 , string - rights_values_box_mpf = - , string - death = muerte , string - BNF = BNF , string - cat_epoch_china_empires = Autor de los Imperios chinos , string - SELIBR = SELIBR , string - firstname = apellido , string - IBLbook = IBLbook , string - SUDOC = SUDOC , string - catspace = catespacio , string - err_none_value = Error: Ningún argumento ha sido definido. , string - initiale = initiale , string - err_notice_link = Error: mala nota por %1. , string - birthuncertain = nacimiento incierto , string - rights_values_cat_70 = Autores en el dominio público en los Estados Unidos , string - ARC = ARC , string - err_life_too_long_cat = Vida del autor es demasiado largo , string - date_to_part_err_not_found = Error interno: No parte encontrado en la fecha %1, %2. , string - rights_values_box_70 = DP-EU-Auteur , string - err_notices_properties_cat = Error interno: Uno o más registro de autoridad no está definido. , string - IMDb = IMDb , string - birth_link2 = enlace2Nacimiento , string - cat_epoch_china_antiquity = Autor de la antigüedad china , string - ARCHIVE = ARCHIVE , string - authors_initiale_txt = Autores %1 , string - authors_birth_century = Nacido en el año %1.. , string - ARCorg = ARCorg , string - deathuncertain = muerte incierto , string - rights_values_box_none = - , string - err_error_list_header = Asistencia en los parámetros del modelo en: , string - death_text = textMuerto , string - ARCid = ARCid , string - namespace = espacio , string - msg_unknown_auto_arg = Error interno: Argumento desconocido automático : %1 = %2. , string - err_unknown_argument = Error: El parámetro %1 es desconocido en este modelo. Compruebe el nombre o marca esta brecha. , string - msg_auto_val_unknown = Error interno: Argumento desconocido automático: %1 = %2. , string - authors_birthyear = Nacido en el año %1 , string - WORLDCATbook = WORLDCATbook , string - msg_automatic_argument = Verificar el argumento automático %1. , string - title = título , string - birth = nacimiento , string - list_limit_max_n = Límite de la lista max_n=%1 , string - indexpages = indexpages , string - cat_epoch_middle_age = Autor de la Edad Media , string - category = Categoría , string - ISFDB = ISFDB , string - birth_text = textNacido , string - IBL = IBL , string - birth_link = enlaceNacimiento , string - death_link2 = enlace2Muerto , string - ISNI = ISNI , string - ISBN = ISBN , string - author_Notices = Avisos , string - ARCgeo = ARCgeo , string - LCCN = LCCN , string - err_one_number_argument = Error: En el parámetro %1, ingrese un número único entre -5000 y ahora. , string - genre_cat = %1 , string - ISFDBid = ISFDBid , string - err_year_in_roman_number = Ambigüedad: el año %1 es en números romanos ¿Qué quieres definir un siglo? , string - err_death_before_birth_cat = Autor muerte antes del nacimiento. , string - BNFbook = BNFbook , string - LT = LT , string - NDL = NDL , string - region_values = otros/china/india/siglo , string - NKC = NKC , string - err_roman2int = Error en el número romano en el argumento %1 = %2 ; %3 %4. , string - OCLC = OCLC , string - wikiquote = wikiquote , string - cat_epoch_china_springs = Autor de Primaveras y Otoños , string - sources_of_datas = Informacións de: /Wikidata, /modelo o módulo, /otros, /mensaje, /error , string - rights_values_cat_none = - , string - pseudonym = apodo , string - OL = OL , string - docbox_namespace_valid = Help Mod-ule Project Template , string - occupation = profesión , string - err_internal_notice_wsid = Error interno: Notificar al promotor que el argumento interno %1 es desconocida en los registros. , string - err_module_with_error = Módulo con error , string - sitelink = sitelink , string - description = descripción , string - commonscat = commonscat , string - SWD = SWD , string - commons = commons , string - NLA = NLA , string - docbox_namespace_error_cat = Módulo con error del uso , string - err_module_error = Module error , string - image = imagen , string - VIAF = VIAF , string - label = label , string - languages = lenguas , string - cat_epoch_century_BCE = Nacido en el siglo a. C. día 1% , string - ULAN = ULAN , string - msg_auto_val_warning = Verifique el argumento automático: %1 = %2. , string - i18n_list_all_texts = Esta lista muestra todos los textos, pero no puede sustituir a las declaraciones originales. , string - authors_authors = Autores , string - options = options , string - args_values_err = Valor anormal del argumento %1 = %2 (%3) , string - err_delete_docbox = Esta documentación/apoyo debe ser removido antes de grabar. Retire todos los modos para volver al modo normal. , string - wikipedia = wikipedia , string - authors_initiale_cat = Autores-%1 , string - ARCsub = ARCsub , string - cat_epoch_century_CE = Nacido en el siglo del día 1% , string - list_limit_levelmaxi = Límite de la lista levelmaxi=%1 , string - rights_values_cat_50 = Autores en el dominio público en Canadá , string - limit_cat_birth_death = Limite los años de las categorías "Nacimientos en" y "Muerte en". , string - cat_epoch_indian_antiquity = Autor de la antigüedad india , string - cat_epoch_indian_classic = Autor del período clásico de la India , string - cat_epoch_indian_middle_age = Autor de la Edad Media de la India , string - err_death_before_birth = Error: muerte %1 antes del nacimiento %2. , string - century_CE = %1 siglo , string - region = región , string - err_assist_user_param = Apoyo a los usuarios para comprobar los ajustes: , string - err_vague_epoch = Épocas inciertas. , string - GKD = GKD , string - WORLDCATid = WORLDCATid , string - IBLid = IBLid , string - authors_death_century = Muerte en %1.. , string - err_vague_year = Año incierto. , string - notices = registros , string - death_type = muertoTipo , string - birthyear = año de nacimiento , string - err_life_too_long = La vida es demasiado largo de %1 a %2. , string - docbox_namespace_stop = Aut-eur Ma-in Page , string - date_months_names = Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre , string - prize = premio , string - language_cat = Habla %1 , string - nationality = país , string - docbox_namespace_error_err = El panel del documentación está prohibido en el espacio %1:. Vuelva al modo normal mediante la eliminación de todos los modos. , string - err_too_unnamed_arguments = Error: Demasiados argumentos sin nombre ( %1 ). , string - err_notice_link_cat = Módulo con mala nota , string - cat_internal_error = Módulo con error interno , string - err_need_value = Error: Este argumento es necesario pero ausente : %1. Debe definir. , string - docbox_namespace_error = Auteur Main Page , string - ISFDBpub = ISFDBpub , string - c = c , string - debug = debug , string - sortkey = clave , string - err_value_re_defined = Error: el valor del argumento %1 ya se ha definido. Elige uno sólo argumento y valor. , string - galliname = apellidoGalli , string - OLbook = OLbook , string - structured_data_txt = Datos estructurados. ,- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 0 tables:
- Table, 221 vars: string - 1 = 1 , string - authorities_selector = VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat,6,NLA,PND,GKD,ARC , string - authors_deathyear = Décès en %1 , string - languages_nbr_and_list =
- Il y a %1 tables de traductions dans ces langues : %2
, string - birthcentury = siecleNaissance , string - err_no_wiki_translations = Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments traduits. , string - WORLDCAT = WORLDCAT , string - date_to_part_call_cat = Module avec erreur interne , string - rights = droits , string - err_no_known_arguments = Module sans table d'arguments connus. , string - deathyear = anneeDeces , string - birth_type = typeNaissance , string - date_months_names = Janvier, Février, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre, Octobre, Novembre, Décembre , string - err_unknown_epoch_cat = Époque inconnue , string - err_is_undefined = L'argument %1:%2 n'est pas défini. , string - year_BCE = %1 av. J.-C. , string - cat_test_OK = Test de génération de catégorie OK , string - deathcentury = siecleDeces , string - sex = sexe , string - err_nearest_argument = Erreur: L'argument connu %1 est-il celui que vous voulez ? , string - err_module_miss_i18n_cat = Module manquant de traduction i18n , string - cat_group_languages = Auteurs écrivant en %1 , string - cat_epoch_antiquity = Auteurs de l’Antiquité , string - ARCitem = ARCitem , string - mode = mode , string - author_scans_text = Scans et notices , string - GKD_V1 = GKD_V1 , string - rights_values = 70/50/mpf/non , string - GND = GND , string - date_to_part_format = dd mmmm yyyy , string - entityid_txt = Données structurées , string - PND = PND , string - LCCNid = LCCNid , string - cat_no_source_arguments = Module avec erreur interne , string - err_notices_properties = Erreur interne: Une notice d'autorité n'est pas définie : %1. , string - WORLDCATch = WORLDCATch , string - cat_usage_error = Module avec erreur d'utilisation , string - err_wikidata_getElement = Erreur : L'élément %1 de Wikidata n'est pas trouvé. , string - genre = genre , string - err_no_args_wikidata = Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments wikidata. , string - err_assist_user_param = Assistance à l'utilisateur pour la vérification des paramètres : , string - occupation_cat = %1 , string - err_value_re_defined = Erreur : La valeur de l'argument %1 est déjà définie. Choisir un seul argument et une seule valeur. , string - err_argv_args_miss = Erreur interne : en p.argv, argument absent %1. , string - ISFDBtitle = ISFDBtitle , string - 1 = 1 , string - indexpages = indexpages , string - death_link = lienDeces , string - language = langue , string - familyname = nomfamille , string - epoch = époque , string - birth_text = texteNaissance , string - birth_link = lienNaissance , string - err_is_defined = L'argument %1:%2 est défini. , string - death_link2 = liaisonDeces , string - rights_values_box_mpf = - , number - max_nearest_argument = 3 , string - structured_data_txt = Données structurées. , string - cat_epoch_china_empires = Auteurs des Empires chinois , string - SELIBR = SELIBR , string - author_Notices = Notices , string - firstname = prénom , string - ARCgeo = ARCgeo , string - IBLbook = IBLbook , string - SUDOC = SUDOC , string - catspace = catspace , string - LCCN = LCCN , string - err_none_value = Erreur : Aucun argument n'a été défini. , string - initiale = initiale , string - err_one_number_argument = Erreur : Dans le paramètre %1, entrer un seul nombre entre -5000 et maintenant. , string - err_notice_link = Erreur : mauvaise notice pour %1. , string - birthuncertain = incertitudeNaissance , string - category = Category , string - ISFDBid = ISFDBid , string - ARC = ARC , string - table_listlimit_levelmaxi = Limite de niveau levelmaxi = %1 , string - err_life_too_long_cat = Durée de vie de l'auteur trop longue , string - err_too_unnamed_arguments = Erreur : Trop de paramètres non nommés ( %1 ). , string - date_to_part_err_not_found = Erreur interne : Partie non trouvée dans la date %1, %2. , string - galliname = prénomGalli , string - err_wikidata_getEntity = Erreur : getEntity Wikidata n'est pas disponible. , string - BNFbook = BNFbook , string - LT = LT , string - err_notices_properties_cat = Module avec erreur interne. , string - NDL = NDL , string - err_module_miss_i18n_count = Erreur interne : Il y a %1 manques parmi %2 traductions. , string - birth_link2 = liaisonNaissance , string - NKC = NKC , string - err_without_translation = Argument connu, mais non traduit : %1. , string - max_nearest_argument_msg = Des arguments proches sont proposés jusqu'à %1 différences de lettres. , string - death = deces , string - ARCHIVE = ARCHIVE , string - authors_initiale_txt = Auteurs %1 , string - authors_birth_century = Naissance en %1.. , string - ARCorg = ARCorg , string - c = c , string - rights_values_box_none = - , string - OCLC = OCLC , string - err_error_list_header = Assistance sur les paramètres de ce modèle : , string - death_text = texteDeces , string - death_type = typeDeces , string - err_lang_table = Erreur interne : La langue %1 ou sa table est erronée. , string - occupation = metier , string - commonscat = commonscat , string - ARCid = ARCid , string - SWD = SWD , string - err_wikidata_error = Erreur Wikidata : %1 , string - namespace = espace , string - msg_unknown_auto_arg = Erreur interne : Argument automatique inconnu : %1 = %2. , string - err_unknown_argument = Erreur : Le paramètre %1 est inconnu dans ce modèle. Vérifier ce nom ou signaler ce manque. , string - language_cat = Parle %1 , string - msg_auto_val_unknown = Erreur interne: Argument automatique inconnu : %1 = %2. , string - authors_birthyear = Naissance en %1 , string - WORLDCATid = WORLDCATid , string - VIAF = VIAF , string - ULAN = ULAN , string - WORLDCATbook = WORLDCATbook , string - msg_automatic_argument = Vérifiez l'argument automatique %1. , string - authors_authors = Auteurs , string - title = titre , string - birth = naissance , string - authors_initiale_cat = Auteurs-%1 , string - DNB = DNB , string - list_limit_levelmaxi = Limite de liste levelmaxi=%1 , string - cat_epoch_middle_age = Auteurs du Moyen Âge , string - limit_cat_birth_death = Limite les années des catégories "Naissance en" et "Décès en". , string - cat_epoch_indian_antiquity = Auteurs de l'antiquité indienne , string - err_module_miss_i18n_mini = Erreur interne : La table i18n n'a que %1 traductions. , string - err_generDoc1_paramName = Erreur interne : en generDoc1, mauvais argument %1. , string - cat_epoch_indian_classic = Auteurs de période classique indienne , string - IMDb = IMDb , string - err_lang_not_translated = Erreur : La langue %1 n'est pas traduite. , string - ISBN = ISBN , string - cat_epoch_indian_middle_age = Auteurs du moyen-âge indien , string - cat_epoch_century_CE = Auteurs du %1e siècle , string - ARCsub = ARCsub , string - century_CE = %1 ème siècle , string - genre_cat = %1 , string - err_lang_table_cat = Module avec erreur interne , string - ISNI = ISNI , string - GKD = GKD , string - err_module_error = Module avec erreur , string - err_year_in_roman_number = Ambigüité : l'année %1 est en nombres romains. Voulez-vous définir un siècle ? , string - ISFDB = ISFDB , string - country = pays , string - table_listlimit_max_n = Limite de longueur max_n = %1 , string - err_without_translation_N = Il y a %1 arguments non traduits. , string - authors_death_century = Décès en %1.. , string - wikiquote = wikiquote , string - cat_epoch_china_springs = Auteurs des Printemps et Automnes , string - sources_of_datas = Informations de : /Wikidata, /modèle ou module, /autres, /message, /erreur , string - rights_values_cat_none = - , string - pseudonym = pseudo , string - OL = OL , string - NLA = NLA , string - notices = notices , string - err_internal_notice_wsid = Erreur interne : Signalez au developpeur que l'argument interne %1 est inconnu dans les notices. , string - err_module_with_error = Module avec erreur , string - sitelink = sitelink , string - description = description , string - err_roman2int = Erreur de nombre romain dans l'argument %1 = %2 ; %3 %4. , string - err_vague_epoch = Époque incertaine. , string - commons = commons , string - docbox_namespace_stop = Aut-eur Ma-in Page , string - docbox_namespace_error_cat = Module avec erreur d'utilisation , string - err_death_before_birth_cat = Erreur : le décès est avant la naissance. , string - image = image , string - docbox_namespace_error = Auteur Main Page , string - ISFDBpub = ISFDBpub , string - languages = langues , string - cat_epoch_century_BCE = Auteurs du %1e siècle av. J.-C. , string - err_module_miss_i18n_txt = Erreur interne : Le texte %1 manque de traduction en langue %2, et/ou d'autres. , string - msg_auto_val_warning = Vérifiez l'argument automatique : %1 = %2. , string - i18n_list_all_texts = Cette liste montre tous les textes, mais ne peut remplacer les déclarations originales. , string - list_limit_max_n = Limite de liste max_n=%1 , string - options = options , string - region = région , string - err_delete_docbox = Cette documentation/assistance doit être supprimée avant d'enregistrer. Supprimez tous les modes pour revenir en mode normal. , string - wikipedia = wikipedia , string - IBL = IBL , string - err_argv_args_src = Erreur interne : en p.argv, table d'arguments absente. , string - deathuncertain = incertitudeDeces , string - cat_epoch_china_antiquity = Auteurs de l'antiquité chinoise , string - rights_values_cat_50 = Auteurs dans le domaine public au Canada , string - rights_values_box_70 = DP-EU-Auteur , string - prize = prix , string - rights_values_cat_70 = Auteurs dans le domaine public aux États-Unis , string - docbox_namespace_valid = Help Mod-ule Project Template , string - err_death_before_birth = Erreur : le décès %1 est avant la naissance %2. , string - err_argv_args_name = Erreur interne : en p.argv, argument anormal %1. , string - rights_values_box_50 = - , string - rights_values_cat_mpf = Auteurs morts pour la France , string - label = label , string - birthyear = anneeNaissance , string - err_wikidata_property = Erreur : La propriété %1 de Wikidata n'est pas trouvé. , string - IBLid = IBLid , string - cat_name_number = Année %1 , string - err_vague_year = Année incertaine. , string - debug = debug , string - err_wikidata_cat = Erreur Wikidata , string - BNF = BNF , string - err_life_too_long = Durée de vie trop longue de %1 à %2. , string - err_lang_not_exist = Erreur : La langue %1 n'est pas une des langues des wikipedias. , string - region_values = autre/chine/inde/siècle , string - list_limit_maxn = Limite de la structure maxn=%1 , string - cat_no_known_arguments = Module avec erreur interne , string - nationality = pays , string - docbox_namespace_error_err = Le panneau de documentation est interdit dans l'espace %1:. Revenez en mode normal en supprimant tous les modes. , string - lastname = nom , string - err_notice_link_cat = Module avec erreur interne , string - cat_internal_error = Module avec erreur interne , string - err_wikidata_wikibase = Erreur : Wikibase n'est pas disponible. , string - century_BCE = %1 ème siècle av. J.-C. , string - IA = IA , string - err_no_source_arguments = Erreur interne : Module sans table d'arguments sources. , string - err_module_miss_i18n = Erreur interne : manque de traduction pour %1 , string - sortkey = cle , string - args_values_err = Valeur anormale de l'argument %1 = %2 (%3) , string - err_need_value = Erreur : Cet argument est nécessaire mais absent : %1. Il faut le définir. , string - OLbook = OLbook , string - date_to_part_call_err = Erreur interne : argument d'appel anormal dans la date %1, %2. ,- Table, 0 functions:
- Table, 0 tables:
- Table .CA.i18n.en, 221 vars: string - 1 = 1 , string - authorities_selector = VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat,6,NLA,PND,GKD,ARC , string - authors_deathyear = Death in %1 , string - languages_nbr_and_list =
- There are %1 tables of translations in these languages : %2
, string - birthcentury = birthcentury , string - err_no_wiki_translations = Error: Module without translated arguments table. , string - WORLDCAT = WORLDCAT , string - date_to_part_call_cat = Module with internal error , string - rights = rights , string - err_no_known_arguments = Module without known arguments table. , string - deathyear = deathyear , string - birth_type = birthType , string - date_months_names = January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December , string - err_unknown_epoch_cat = Unknown epoch , string - err_is_undefined = The argument %1:%2 is not defined. , string - year_BCE = %1 B.C. , string - cat_test_OK = Test category generation OK , string - deathcentury = deathcentury , string - sex = sex , string - err_nearest_argument = Error: the known argument %1 is it the one you need ? , string - err_module_miss_i18n_cat = Module missing i18n translation , string - cat_group_languages = Authors writing in %1 , string - cat_epoch_antiquity = Author of antiquity , string - ARCitem = ARCitem , string - mode = mode , string - author_scans_text = Scans and authorities , string - GKD_V1 = GKD_V1 , string - rights_values = 70/50/mpf/none , string - GND = GND , string - date_to_part_format = dd yyyy mmmm , string - entityid_txt = Structured Data , string - PND = PND , string - LCCNid = LCCNid , string - cat_no_source_arguments = Module with internal error , string - err_notices_properties = Internal Error: An authority record is undefined : %1. , string - WORLDCATch = WORLDCATch , string - cat_usage_error = Module with usage error , string - err_wikidata_getElement = Error: Element Wikidata %1 is not found. , string - genre = genre , string - err_no_args_wikidata = Error: Module without wikidata arguments table. , string - err_assist_user_param = User support for checking the settings: , string - occupation_cat = %1 , string - err_value_re_defined = Error: the value of the argument %1 is already defined. Choose only one argument and value. , string - err_argv_args_miss = Internal Error: in p.argv, missing argument %1. , string - ISFDBtitle = ISFDBtitle , string - 1 = 1 , string - indexpages = indexpages , string - death_link = deathLink , string - args_values_err = Abnormal value of the argument %1 = %2 (%3) , string - familyname = familyname , string - epoch = epoch , string - birth_text = birthText , string - birth_link = birthLink , string - err_is_defined = The argument %1:%2 is defined. , string - death_link2 = deathLink2 , string - rights_values_box_mpf = - , number - max_nearest_argument = 3 , string - structured_data_txt = Structured datas. , string - cat_epoch_china_empires = Author of Chinese empires , string - SELIBR = SELIBR , string - author_Notices = Notices , string - firstname = firstname , string - ARCgeo = ARCgeo , string - IBLbook = IBLbook , string - SUDOC = SUDOC , string - catspace = catspace , string - LCCN = LCCN , string - err_none_value = Error: No argument has been defined. , string - initiale = initiale , string - err_one_number_argument = Error: In parameter %1, enter a single number between -5000 and now. , string - err_notice_link = Error: bad notice for %1. , string - birthuncertain = birthuncertain , string - category = Category , string - ISFDBid = ISFDBid , string - ARC = ARC , string - table_listlimit_levelmaxi = Level limit levelmaxi = %1 , string - err_life_too_long_cat = Life of author is too long , string - err_too_unnamed_arguments = Error: Too many unnamed arguments ( %1 ). , string - date_to_part_err_not_found = Internal Error: No part found in date %1, %2. , string - galliname = galliname , string - err_wikidata_getEntity = Error: getEntity Wikidata is not available. , string - BNFbook = BNFbook , string - LT = LT , string - err_notices_properties_cat = Internal Error: One or more authority record is undefined. , string - NDL = NDL , string - err_module_miss_i18n_count = Internal Error: There are %1 missings in %2 translations. , string - birth_link2 = birthLink2 , string - NKC = NKC , string - err_without_translation = Known argument, but not translated: %1. , string - max_nearest_argument_msg = Near arguments are proposed if differences in length and letters are %1 or less. , string - death = death , string - ARCHIVE = ARCHIVE , string - authors_initiale_txt = Authors %1 , string - authors_birth_century = Born in %1.. , string - ARCorg = ARCorg , string - c = c , string - rights_values_box_none = - , string - OCLC = OCLC , string - err_error_list_header = User support about parameters: , string - death_text = deathText , string - death_type = deathType , string - err_lang_table = Error: The %1 language or its table is incorrect. , string - occupation = occupation , string - commonscat = commonscat , string - ARCid = ARCid , string - SWD = SWD , string - err_wikidata_error = Error Wikidata: %1 , string - namespace = space , string - msg_unknown_auto_arg = Internal Error: Unknown automatic argument : %1 = %2. , string - err_unknown_argument = Error: parameter %1 is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap. , string - genre_cat = %1 , string - msg_auto_val_unknown = Internal Error: Unknown automatic argument: %1 = %2. , string - authors_birthyear = Born in %1 , string - WORLDCATid = WORLDCATid , string - VIAF = VIAF , string - ULAN = ULAN , string - WORLDCATbook = WORLDCATbook , string - msg_automatic_argument = Verify the automatic argument %1. , string - authors_authors = Authors , string - title = title , string - birth = birth , string - authors_initiale_cat = Authors-%1 , string - DNB = DNB , string - list_limit_levelmaxi = List limit levelmaxi=%1 , string - cat_epoch_middle_age = Author of Middle Ages , string - limit_cat_birth_death = Limit the years of categories "Births in" and "Death in". , string - cat_epoch_indian_antiquity = Author of Indian antiquity , string - err_module_miss_i18n_mini = Error: I18n table has only 1% translations. , string - err_generDoc1_paramName = Internal Error: in generDoc1, bad argument %1. , string - cat_epoch_indian_classic = Author of classic Indian period , string - IMDb = IMDb , string - err_lang_not_translated = Error: The language %1 is not translated. , string - ISBN = ISBN , string - cat_epoch_indian_middle_age = Author of classic Indian Middle Age , string - cat_epoch_century_CE = Born in the %1th century , string - ARCsub = ARCsub , string - century_CE = %1 th century , string - err_module_miss_i18n = Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation %1 , string - err_lang_table_cat = Module with internal error , string - ISNI = ISNI , string - GKD = GKD , string - err_module_error = Module error , string - err_year_in_roman_number = Ambiguity: the year %1 is in roman numerals. Do you want define a century ? , string - ISFDB = ISFDB , string - country = country , string - table_listlimit_max_n = Length limit max_n = %1 , string - err_without_translation_N = There are %1 arguments untranslated. , string - authors_death_century = Death in %1.. , string - wikiquote = wikiquote , string - cat_epoch_china_springs = Author of Springs and Autumns , string - sources_of_datas = Informations from: /Wikidata, /template or module, /other, /message, /error , string - rights_values_cat_none = - , string - pseudonym = pseudonym , string - OL = OL , string - NLA = NLA , string - notices = notices , string - err_internal_notice_wsid = Internal Error: Notify the developer that the internal argument %1 is unknown in the records. , string - err_module_with_error = Module with error , string - sitelink = sitelink , string - description = description , string - err_roman2int = Error in roman number in argument %1 = %2 ; %3 %4. , string - err_vague_epoch = Uncertain times. , string - commons = commons , string - docbox_namespace_stop = Aut-eur Ma-in Page , string - docbox_namespace_error_cat = Module with usage error , string - err_death_before_birth_cat = Author death is before birth. , string - image = image , string - docbox_namespace_error = Auteur Main Page , string - ISFDBpub = ISFDBpub , string - languages = languages , string - cat_epoch_century_BCE = Born in the %1th century B.C. , string - err_module_miss_i18n_txt = Internal Error: The text %1 lack of translation in %2 language, and/or others. , string - msg_auto_val_warning = Verify the automatic argument: %1 = %2. , string - i18n_list_all_texts = This list show all the texts, but cannot replace the original declarations. , string - list_limit_max_n = List limit max_n=%1 , string - options = options , string - region = region , string - err_delete_docbox = This documentation/support must be removed before recording. Remove all modes to return to normal mode. , string - wikipedia = wikipedia , string - IBL = IBL , string - err_argv_args_src = Internal Error: in p.argv, arguments table is missing. , string - deathuncertain = deathuncertain , string - cat_epoch_china_antiquity = Author of Chinese antiquity , string - rights_values_cat_50 = Author in public domain in Canada , string - rights_values_box_70 = DP-EU-Auteur , string - prize = prize , string - rights_values_cat_70 = Author in public domain in USA , string - docbox_namespace_valid = Help Mod-ule Project Template , string - err_death_before_birth = Error: death %1 is before birth %2. , string - err_argv_args_name = Internal Error: in p.argv, abnormal argument %1. , string - rights_values_box_50 = - , string - rights_values_cat_mpf = Author death for France , string - label = label , string - birthyear = birthyear , string - err_wikidata_property = Error: Wikidata property %1 is not found. , string - IBLid = IBLid , string - language_cat = Speaking %1 , string - err_vague_year = Uncertain year. , string - debug = debug , string - cat_name_number = Year %1 , string - BNF = BNF , string - err_life_too_long = Life is too long from %1 to %2. , string - err_lang_not_exist = Error: The language %1 is not one of wikipedias. , string - region_values = other/china/india/century , string - list_limit_maxn = Structure limit maxn=%1 , string - cat_no_known_arguments = Module with internal error , string - nationality = nationality , string - docbox_namespace_error_err = The documentation panel is forbidden in space %1:. Return to normal mode by removing all modes. , string - lastname = lastname , string - err_notice_link_cat = Module with bad notice , string - cat_internal_error = Module with internal error , string - err_wikidata_wikibase = Error: Wikibase is not available. , string - century_BCE = %1 th century B.C. , string - IA = IA , string - err_no_source_arguments = Internal Error: Module without source arguments table. , string - language = language , string - sortkey = sortkey , string - err_need_value = Error: This argument is required but absent : %1. Should define it. , string - err_wikidata_cat = Module with internal error , string - OLbook = OLbook , string - date_to_part_call_err = Internal Error: Abnormal calling arguments in date %1, %2. ,- Table .CA.i18n.en, 0 functions:
- Table .CA.i18n.en, 0 tables:
- Content of the CA.i18n table, end: 629 variables, 0 functions, 3 sub-tables.
- Basé sur le Module:Author, voie l'exemple d'utilisation Auteur:Arthur Rimbaud
- Modèle permanent de test des évolutions du Modèle:Auteur
- Integre aussi Modèle:Scans par Auteur, et Modèle:Autorité
- Entête de page Auteur: dans