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From Wikipedia
*WORLDCATchWORLDCATch : Andrea/Mickel  *VIAFVIAF : 34452139  *SWDSWD : 11/224/488  *ARCidARCid : 34-452-139  *ARCitemARCitem : Robert/Alain/Paul  *ARCARC : 34452139  *PNDPND : 11850133X  *LCCNLCCN : n/50/23101  *OCLCOCLC : 1b5g6t7e  *NLANLA : 35096649  *BNFBNF : cb11888266r  *SELIBRSELIBR : 34648    Gallica   Europeana   Google
  • Test tests
This documentation/support must be removed before recording. Remove all modes to return to normal mode.

    {{Wikidata imported }}

      {{Arguments | WORLDCATch = Andrea/Mickel
      | mode = tests
      | VIAF = 34452139
      | SWD = 11/224/488
      | sortkey = Victor Hugo
      | commons = Arthur Rimbaud
      | genre = Romanciers/Poètes/Auteurs de théâtre
      | ISBN = 123456789
      | notices = VIAF,BNF,SUDOC,LCCN,ISNI,Worldcat,6,NLA,PND,GKD,ARC
      | ARCid = 34-452-139
      | ARCitem = Robert/Alain/Paul
      | ARC = 34452139
      | deathyear = 1985
      | description = Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899)
      | lastname = Victor Hugo
      | c = x:
      | options = fr par-ams docavant doc-min docmax docdef docnotice doc-apres docligne
      | PND = 11850133X
      | wikipedia = Arthur Rimbaud
      | LCCN = n/50/23101
      | initiale = R
      | wikiquote = Arthur Rimbaud
      | OCLC = 1b5g6t7e
      | NLA = 35096649
      | title = Victor Hugo title
      | birthLink = du
      | BNF = cb11888266r
      | birthyear = vers 1910
      | SELIBR = 34648
      | image = Carjat Arthur Rimbaud 1872 n2.jpg

      • User support about parameters:
        Verify the automatic argument: sortkey = Victor Hugo.
        Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation CANTIC
        Internal Error: Module missing i18n translation entityid
        Error: parameter lien is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter pseudo is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter liaison is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter texteDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter incertitudeNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter prénom is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter anneeNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter categorieDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter metier is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter liaisonDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter langues is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: the known argument languages is it the one you need ?
        Error: parameter prix is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: the known argument prize is it the one you need ?
        Error: parameter siecleDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter texte is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter anneeDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter lienNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter incertitudeDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter cle is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter siecleNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter langue is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: the known argument language is it the one you need ?
        Error: parameter texteNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter naissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter lienDeces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter pays is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter nom is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter prénomGall is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter categorieNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter droits is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter deces is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter categorie is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: the known argument Category is it the one you need ?
        Error: parameter border is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        Error: parameter liaisonNaissance is unknown in this template. Check the name or flag this gap.
        The documentation panel is forbidden in space :. Return to normal mode by removing all modes.
      • Catégories : Module missing i18n translation Module with usage error Born in the XXth century Born in the XXth century Death in 1985 Uncertain year. Authors-R nil Romanciers/Poètes/Auteurs de théâtre Module with usage error Module with error

      Victor Hugo title

      Poète français très connu et très apprécié (1822 - - - - 1899) ( vers 1910 - 1985 )
      *WORLDCATchWORLDCATch : Andrea/Mickel  *VIAFVIAF : 34452139  *SWDSWD : 11/224/488  *ARCidARCid : 34-452-139  *ARCitemARCitem : Robert/Alain/Paul  *ARCARC : 34452139  *PNDPND : 11850133X  *LCCNLCCN : n/50/23101  *OCLCOCLC : 1b5g6t7e  *NLANLA : 35096649  *BNFBNF : cb11888266r  *SELIBRSELIBR : 34648    Gallica   Europeana   Google
      *WORLDCATchWORLDCATch : Andrea/Mickel  *VIAFVIAF : 34452139  *SWDSWD : 11/224/488  *ARCidARCid : 34-452-139  *ARCitemARCitem : Robert/Alain/Paul  *ARCARC : 34452139  *PNDPND : 11850133X  *LCCNLCCN : n/50/23101  *OCLCOCLC : 1b5g6t7e  *NLANLA : 35096649  *BNFBNF : cb11888266r  *SELIBRSELIBR : 34648    Gallica   Europeana   Google

      For other tests, look at Module:ControlArgs.